View Full Version : Theoretical wax application ?

10-11-2009, 01:35 PM
Let`s say you have 2 waxes - 1 that doesn`t last a long time (e.g., a fwe weeks, like an OTC Meguiar`s or Mother`s or insert other name here), and one that does last a long time (e.g., 845).

If you first apply the wax that has next to no durability, then apply the wax that does have durability, what happens to the second wax as the first one looses its durability? Will the second one "sink" into the paint as the first disappears (so it will still be present), or will it "flake" away with the first one since it`s bonded to the first layer? (such that when the first layer is done, so is the second one):confused:

10-11-2009, 02:08 PM
IME (and I bet there are a scad of variables that might/might not come into play, so insert YMMV disclaimer here), using a less durable product underneath a very durable one has very little (if any) detrimental effect on the latter as long as the two products in question are compatible.

I`ve used a lot of different things under Collinite 476S and 845, and I`ve never experienced any decrease in durability compared to using the Collinite over bare paint.

Ditto for using a Megiuar`s Pure Polish under #16.

UPP works the same for me over 1Z Pro MP as it does over bare paint.

Same with numerous LSPs used over various AIOs (none of which last long for me by themselves).

Yeah, I know, it seems counter-intuitive, but that`s the way it`s always worked out for me. No, I don`t have a good explanation :nixweiss

10-11-2009, 04:11 PM
I`ve always done it the opposite way. Put the pretty wax on top, and a sealant on the bottom to last for a while. When the pretty wax is gone, the sealant is still there protecting the paint.

As far as what will look better, that`s all subjective.