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10-07-2009, 06:13 AM
Until DTM returns, let`s discuss it here.

10-07-2009, 06:25 AM
In recent months, wifey and I had an interesting chain of events. We started going to a chiropractor who recommended another doctor that specializes in weight loss. Each time we visit this doctor, he would give us vitamin shots to speed up our metabolism (B12 and a multi-vitamin). However, before we started this, I decided to pick this up:


Note: Exact color and model but without the disc brakes

Wifey followed suit and got:


We have been averaging rides of 4-5 miles per evening and lost 11 and 13 respectively.

10-07-2009, 07:55 AM
PrinzII- that oughta make burning some calories a lot more fun. I really like the color too, reminds me of my HotWheels cars from the `60s :D

Along with burning calories, I trust you`re taking care to only ingest good, "clean", ones with a proper protein/carb/fat ratio.

(Any way to resize that pic in case this thread gets lots of contributions?)

10-07-2009, 06:00 PM
my goal is 170 while keeping the same muscle mass I have now.

Im 192 now, I was at 185 this summer, then I started taking Cymbalta and gained it all back. :doh

I have studded bike tires, hockey skates, and x-country skis - cant wait for winter!

Im also running a 5K on Halloween.

Stay the hell away from those weight loss pills people, I tried them a couple years ago and ended up in the hospital because of a really bad panic attack and a pounding heart beat.

10-07-2009, 07:30 PM
PrinzII- that oughta make burning some calories a lot more fun. I really like the color too, reminds me of my HotWheels cars from the `60s :D

Along with burning calories, I trust you`re taking care to only ingest good, "clean", ones with a proper protein/carb/fat ratio.

(Any way to resize that pic in case this thread gets lots of contributions?)

Took care of the pic. :D

The doctor advised us to "flip" our meals. That means smaller portions of the more fattening stuff and larger portions of things like veggies.

10-07-2009, 07:32 PM
my goal is 170 while keeping the same muscle mass I have now.

Im 192 now, I was at 185 this summer, then I started taking Cymbalta and gained it all back. :doh

I have studded bike tires, hockey skates, and x-country skis - cant wait for winter!

Im also running a 5K on Halloween.

Stay the hell away from those weight loss pills people, I tried them a couple years ago and ended up in the hospital because of a really bad panic attack and a pounding heart beat.

I absolutely refuse to take anything like that. The risks are greater than the rewards.

10-07-2009, 07:39 PM
This thread is a how to? or just sharing everyone`s regime?

Here`s my background...

Former #1 ranked USA Wushu Kung Fu team member.... (Don`t know what Wushu Kung Fu is.. look it up.. just type my name on youtube or something)

Anyways.. I had knee surgery 2 years ago and bulked up afterwards... My regime as of now

Mon/Wed/Fri - 1 1/2 mile run then Ab workout

Tues- Chest/Triceps/Biceps, then 1 1/2hrs of pretty intense tennis

Thurs- Back/Shoulders, then 1 1/2hrs of pretty intense tennis

Slowly leaning back out and getting cut again. I`ll go into what workouts I do if anyone is interested as well. I also throw in there some hiking with the dog, rock climbing, and I play Airsoft as well(not really a workout, but you do constantly move around)

10-07-2009, 07:40 PM
Actually, it`s a little of both.

10-08-2009, 09:59 AM
I`m still doing basically the same workouts (four-day-split routine), only I`ve dropped my total sets down a bit (with no apparent downside), cutting out the final back-off sets. I`ve decreased the weight on some of my heavier lifts and tightened up my form.

I had the StairMaster rebuilt last year and it`s a *LOT* faster now, about the equivalent of two levels faster. I`m still doing Interval Training at level 9, but I`d dropped the time back to the mid-20s (and I only do 23 minutes on leg day). I`d added some interval work on the treadmill, and I`m doing hard cardio about every other day, first thing in the morning (before bfast).

As I near 50, I`m still improving after decades of this stuff.

JLui83- That`s one very impressive back-story you have there :bow

What`re you doing for leg workouts, given the knee surgeries?

The doctor advised us to "flip" our meals. That means smaller portions of the more fattening stuff and larger portions of things like veggies.

Noting that I can be a little imprecise about this stuff, given my metabolism, I take a somewhat more calculated approach (as does Accumulatorette, who has to be more careful than I do).

Here`s how I do it:

Cut out *all* the empty calories.

Figure out the protein requirements given your target lean-mass weight (mine are about 1.5g protein for every lb. of lean mass). Make that ~30-40% of the total calories. Add in ~15-20% fats (mostly "good" fats). Make the rest carbs, the lower-glycemic the better.

Note that those cover a pretty wide range of combinations.

Tweak those percentages and find what works for *you*. Then always consume calories in those proportions, and do it in a series of small meals at regular intervals. Yeah, it`s a hassle.

I myself keep it heavy on the protein and fat; my wife goes for less fat and more low-glycemic carbs. We both eat every three hours or so.

She finds that consuming protein *first* at every meal works miracles for her. It doesn`t make any discernible diff for me.

Yeah, I know..everybody has a dietary regimen that they think is The Answer, and the above is just from memory off the top of my head as I simply follow my daily routine. But it`s sure worked for me and my wife.

Then just add in the workouts. Do the cardio as intensely as you can; IMO most people waste their time doing too-easy cardio for long periods of time. Then get a lot of sleep.

10-08-2009, 09:00 PM
^^ Thanks!

For Legs I do...

Wall Sits

Foam Rolling


No Lunges-they still hurt . :-(

Sprints-I just started doing this for the first time Since before the surgery. I went slow at first but then picked up the pace. No problems! WOOHoo.. *Knock on wood* hehe

Dead lifts-yet more for back but lots of legs too(Great workout)

and the jogging and tennis... Tennis is pretty good workout for me. My tennis partner and I have great rallies that make us run back in forth, side to side.

10-09-2009, 08:00 AM
JLui83- Cool, good that you can do stuff like squats.

Yeah, deads can be a good leg or back move, depending how you`re doing them. Ditto for Good Mornings, which I sometimes do for my hamstrings.

I`ve been working the Dorsi Flexors on the front of my shins with something called a Dynamic Axial Resistance Device ("DARD") and I`m very happy with the results. Just two sets or so every leg day has filled out the front of my lower legs in a big way and I also seem less susceptible to shin splints (hence my newfound enthusiasm for the treadmill).

10-09-2009, 04:35 PM
I am currently at 2839 miles on my road bike for this year, already more than 100 past last year`s total for the entire year. Just got to work on the diet so I can get my figure back. Need to lose 25 pounds or so.

10-09-2009, 05:32 PM
Where do you guys find this continous motivation to exercise on a daily basis? I need it!

10-09-2009, 06:02 PM
the motivation is something i need too haha. does anyone do crossfit? ive been wanting to try it. seems pretty intense

10-09-2009, 06:04 PM
I joined Planet Fitness this summer. I am getting it in 3x /week. I switched to once a week per bodypart to twice one week, then once the next. (2 parts each day to 3 parts each day). I have to figure out my diet and ratios now. I would like to loose 15 pounds.