View Full Version : A few questions from a Newb...

10-05-2009, 09:05 AM

I just purchased the PCXP package that comes with the HD Uno Total Auto Polish... I have never used a PCXP as I usually do my cars by hand. I have a few questions before I get started.

I keep seeing these threads with the Electronic Paint thickness gages. Will the HD Uno Polish reduce the thickness of the paint and clear coat? Or, is it not abrasive enough to do so?

I plan on using it on my new Mustang GT to remove a few swirls and light scratches. After that, I plan on using my PCXP when I apply my monthly coat of Liquid Glass or NXT 2.0. Will using the PCXP with either of these affect the depth of my paint and clear coat? (I am assuming only the abrasive polishes would do so, but I would rather be safe than sorry)

Sorry for the newbie questions.... Thanks everyone for your time!

10-05-2009, 10:18 AM
nospleen- Welcome to Autopia! Heh heh, notable user-name :D

I`ve never used the HD product, so this is just generalizing, but...

No, you don`t need to worry about overthinning the clear unless you *really* overdo this stuff. No, you don`t need an ETG. No, neither the Liquid Glass (*VERY* slightly abrasive, or at least it was the last time I used it) nor the NXT (functionally nonabrasive) will thin your clear.

It`s good to be aware of the need to preserve clearcoat thickness, but unless you`re getting pretty aggressive on a regular basis (or *very* aggressive period), it`s not something you really need to worry about.

Heh heh, better to apply yourself to thinking about how to avoid marring the paint in the first place, especially when you wash ;)