View Full Version : What should I use on these seats?

10-04-2009, 06:17 PM
I just bought this 06 civic. I`ve never had to clean upholstery that was this bad and the regular off the shelf turtle wax upholstery foam cleaner didn`t do jack. Surprisingly the carpets aren`t too bad and I think my usual Oxyclean/water mix should clean that up fairly well.

I soaked the ink stain in some hair spray and used some rubbing alcohol to try to get it up. Its much better than it was and I think it will just take some time to get it up a little better. I`m not sure what the green stuff was a melted crayon? I was able to freeze/scrape some off and then scrub some off. I have no clue where my 303 bottle went so what else can/should I order to try and clean these seats?

Also what do you clean the seatbelts with? not sure wth the previous owner did in this car but I couldn`t pass the deal up.



I was able to get a lot of the ink out with rubbing alcohol. I just have to spend some more time on it.



this was after some cleaning


thanks for your help guys

10-05-2009, 10:38 AM
After doing some reading last night do you think Meguiars APC and a Bissell mean green would have decent results? Maybe some 303 in spots where I may need it?

I bought the car from Dallas and wish I had time for Scottwax to clean it but I had to take off for Cleveland.

10-11-2009, 10:53 PM
I just used Folex on some bad carpet stains based on forum recommendations - took the stains right out. I bought my spray bottle of Folex at Home Depot. Lowe`s sells it, too.