View Full Version : Quick PFW question

10-01-2009, 02:31 PM
It seems like a lot of you guys like your PFW pads for cutting w/M105 so I purchased some to try out. I`ve been mostly using LC 4" orange pads with my PCXP and it requires a good bit of pressure to get anything done. No news there. But when using PFW pads with a PC, do you still need the same amount of pressure (give or take) as with orange foam? The only reason I ask is because I used a 4" PFW pad the other day with the same pressure I normally use and it linted everywhere and turned into a 6" purple pancake almost immediately. Is this normal or did I do something wrong? Also, the velcro backing on these seems flimsier but I`m guessing it`s because the foam is stiffer than the wool, right? TIA

Jason M
10-01-2009, 02:50 PM
You don`t want to use as much pressure with any wool pad as you would use with foam. Wool, especially PFW, does flatten out and grow outward a fair amount. Working with wool is actually a lot nicer than foam...notice I said WORKING with wool is nicer. Not the finish it leaves is nicer.

As far as linting that`s normal for a new wool pad. They lint like crazy. I think I remember reading about some wool pads that don`t lint. I don`t recall the name right now. Any wool I have ever used linted a ton when new. Even spurring them before the first use.

10-06-2009, 03:41 PM
Thanks for the input Jason. I`ll just have to get used to working with it.

10-06-2009, 04:39 PM
I think I remember reading about some wool pads that don`t lint. I don`t recall the name right now.

Those are the Micro-Surface Black Lambswool pads.

No linting and they leave an AWESOME finish.

TufBuf Black Natural Lambswool Polishing Pad [TUFB-01] - $1.90 : MICRO-SURFACE FINISHING PRODUCTS, INC (http://micro-surface.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=58)

Jason M
10-08-2009, 04:13 PM
Yes micro-surface. Thanks. Those and the Surbuf are next on the list to try. I really wanted to like PFW but the more I use it the more I grab for my yellow SOLO wool. PFW does leave a marginally better finish but it`s not worth the loss in cut vs. the SOLO wool when products like UC or M105 on an orange pad get clean it up so nicely.

10-08-2009, 06:56 PM
Can the 4" and 5"TufBuf wool pads be used by PC or are they rotary only?

10-08-2009, 08:19 PM
Haven`t tried them via PC, but I don`t see why not.

Maybe try it and let us know?

10-09-2009, 08:25 AM
With M105, wool pads seem to work OK via PC, at least the 4" ones. I never had good results with other products though, so I`d stick with M105 for this unless you feel adventurous (and aren`t too concerned about messing things up). I`ve never tried the TufBuff ones, but if Cyclo/Edge *yellow* (and blue) wool work OK I don`t foresee any problems.