View Full Version : Anyone use Bilt Hamber Auto Balm on Black?

09-29-2009, 04:36 AM
I have a Black Audi and strongly considering Bilt Hamber Auto Balm. Can anyone comment on...




Showroom Shine
09-29-2009, 06:05 AM
SOUVERAN! Will bring the Black Out!

09-29-2009, 07:50 AM
I`ve used AB on medium blue and black metallic.

AB is a fine product for any color, but it is a filler as much a wax. As soon as the fillers get washed away(2-3 weeks) it looses its depth of shine-still good but not `just waxed`

I find it`s best use is for semi-gloss and plastic trim. Absolutely transforms the look, and leave a nice finish that beads water for a long time.


09-29-2009, 06:30 PM
It all depends on what you are using it for.It does a lot of filling and last`s quite a long time but it dosent sheet water very well and is a lot of work to use.I use it for the winter months as it it last`s quite a long time for protection.

I cant say what the user above me says but it is like an armour shield on your car......but it is like the old days.....it will wear you out using it.

09-29-2009, 09:08 PM
I have used it on black. Works VERY well! Fills better than anything else I`ve used, but it won`t work miracles. Its not a substitute for good prep. I last did my black truck 3 mos. ago and it still looks very good. It is my go-to on black. Get some, you`ll like it. As long as you keep the applicator wet, its quite easy to use, and lasts a long time. Wipe off almost immediately. For those of you who must have beading, a new AB topper is in the works. I had serious trepidation about buying a black truck, but I can honestly say it hasn`t been a problem since I discovered AB.

09-30-2009, 08:53 AM
The clear coat has pits in it on many of the top surfaces. I believe that one of two things happened.

Either the previous owner left this black car under his sprinkler system frequently (there are water spots etched in most glass where there are no wipers, in particular the windshield and sunroof)


Taking the car in for service at Audi of Fairfield, damaged the paint. Car was there for 3-4 weeks strait, and their lot is right up to the railroad tracks. I believe that rail dust settled in the paint and claying it removed the bits, but did not extract them in the most delicate manner.

So there are pits and I don`t want to go so far as to hammer the clear. I have been using Menzerna Polishes as well as a Flex, and have done quite a bit, but I want to fill in anything remaining. Lets be honest, I could buff it perfectly only to have to buff black again 6 months later to remove any faint swirls from washing. It`s not possible to go a year and not find any items that I`d want to address.

I`m thinking, polish, fill with BHAB, top with FK1000p.

Deep Gloss Auto Salon
09-30-2009, 09:00 AM
I`ve used it on black quite a few times (as well as other colors)

Looks very nice and is very durable...

For those who are enamored with beading this product is not for you... It does sheet rather well.

I have not used it on anything less than a swirl free finish so I cannot comment on its filling capabilities.

For me, application is not that big of a deal and I actually find that it is faster to use this product as opposed to a product that has to cure/haze etc. Work in small 2x2 areas and wipe on / wipe off.

09-30-2009, 12:37 PM
Jester- sounds like you need a respray. AB won`t fill pits, its a sealant not glazing putty! Failing that, I`d break out the flex one more time and give it your best shot. Then, use AB to maintain and that will certainly minimize normally acquired swirls. The look is more carnauba-like than sealant. Definitely not the "candy clear" look that I prefer on my silver DD. Best way I can describe the look would be "very clean, with some depth."

09-30-2009, 12:56 PM
So what do you use to get that "candy clear look"

Jester- sounds like you need a respray. AB won`t fill pits, its a sealant not glazing putty! Failing that, I`d break out the flex one more time and give it your best shot. Then, use AB to maintain and that will certainly minimize normally acquired swirls. The look is more carnauba-like than sealant. Definitely not the "candy clear" look that I prefer on my silver DD. Best way I can describe the look would be "very clean, with some depth."

09-30-2009, 03:19 PM
JW/Klasse, UPGP (what is on there now,) and OS+OCW is pretty good, too.

10-03-2009, 07:40 AM
I would try EVERYTHING first before doing a respray-or a wet sand-or anything that substantially alters the original finish and depth of the CC.

You never know if you`ll get one of the 50% of the paint guys who graduated at the bottom of their class.

Try a filling glaze-Prego Amigo, RMG, PBBH, DMG first, before a finish with some `nuba type of LSP.

BTW probably acid rain that has pitted the clear coat-seams to happen on all my cars that aren`t garaged or covered.