View Full Version : Has anyone else noticed this with ONR?

09-27-2009, 08:07 PM
I use ONR mixed as a QD whenever wiping off small areas that need to be cleaned. I have noticed whenever I have it out if it is humid enough to get moisture or dew on my car, I can see the area that was ONR quick detailed formed in the dew. Almost seems as if it is beading differently than the rest of the LSP already on the car. It doesn`t really seem to make any kind of difference as far as protecting, and most areas that were QD`d with ONR are not seen after a wash. Does ONR decrease LSP protection when using as a QD, or does it have some sort of protection by itself causing the beading to not be as good as the LSP? Just wondering if anyone else has seen this happen with ONR

09-27-2009, 11:05 PM
ONR used as an instant detail spray leaves a layer of it`s own cleaning polymers on the surface. So yeah, water beading will look different compared to an area of the car that hasn`t been sprayed and wiped. Not really a bad thing, IMO.

09-28-2009, 01:36 PM
exactly. ONR is just leaving its small bit of protection. You should thank it. :spot

09-28-2009, 04:54 PM
Ive not noticed that, but i have noticed that if you forget to dry your mirrors they look like crapola lol.