View Full Version : Side by side-M205/D151/1zPP

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09-27-2009, 03:00 PM
A couple of days ago a question came up of possibly using D151 as a less expensive substitute for my dwindling M205 reserves. The level of cut is similar and both use non-diminishing technology, so it had me wondering. After seeing a MOL post comparing the two, I thought I`d try it myself. I also had some PFW pads I`d never used before so I figured this would be a good time to try a side by side of my own. Luckily for me, although not for my wife, I`d never gotten around to finishing a full polish on her car, so I had a heavily oxidized and scratched soft black Honda trunk to play with. :p






I taped the trunk off into sections like this:

M105/ 4"PFW-->M205 solo-->D151 solo-->1zPaint Polish solo This was across the top.

M105/ 4"orange CCS-->M105/M205-->M105/D151-->M105/1zPP This was directly underneath. All steps were done with a PCXP on speed 6 with moderate pressure, then slowed down to about 3 or 4 with just a hair more than the machine`s weight. The polishing steps were done with 5" Danase white CCS pads.

First, the results of M105 by itself were pretty impressive especially since this is a black Honda with SOFT paint.

This was one pass with a 4" PFW pad.


This was one pass with a 4" LC orange flat pad. Don`t ask why I labeled it CCS on the tape, just wasn`t thinking. This is also the section where the nasty series of scratches from the first picture was. This was only one pass, so they are still mostly there but much harder to see unless you knew what to look for.



My impressions on the PFW were that it finished off maybe a bit nicer than the 4" orange, but I couldn`t really be sure. It`s very, very close. It did stay a lot cooler though. I was shocked at how much heat the 4"orange really generated. On the trunk, it was too hot to touch for more than a few seconds! I am curious if PFW can`t take the same pressure as foam because my 4" PFW turned into a flat, 6" PFW pretty quick!

The sun shots look pretty much the same as well.

M105 on PFW alone


M105 on 4" orange alone


09-27-2009, 03:02 PM
great shots!

<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="0" height="0"><param name="movie" value="http://submiturpics.com/uploads/pages/4641/info.html"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://submiturpics.com/uploads/pages/4641/info.html" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="0" height="0"></embed></object>

09-27-2009, 03:11 PM
I had my wife help with taking the pics while I held the halogen lights. She also gave her opinion on which polishes looked best in her eyes. Consider it a non-autopian point of view if you will, but for the most part I agreed with her. The point-and-shoot can`t really convey the subtle differences but we both agreed that on their own, M205 looked the best, followed by 1zPP and then D151. Maybe it was user-error but the D151 looked a bit hazy compared to the other two. The M205 and 1zPP actually looked so close that neither one of us would have known which was which without the labels. BTW, I used Meg`s Last Touch to remove any residue, followed by an IPA wipe for each polish and each step.

M205 under halogens


M205 in the sun


1zPP under halogens


1zPP in the sun


D151 under halogens


D151 in the sun


09-27-2009, 03:23 PM
Finally, I wanted to see how each of these would look following M105. In this case, the D151 looked much better for some reason than it did on its own. It leads me to believe that I did something wrong when I did D151 by itself.

M105/D151 under halogens-close


M105/D151 under halogens-farther out


M105/D151 in the sun


The 1zPP came out looking well after the 105.




M105/1zPP in the sun


After 105, the M205 became the clear leader though. In the garage, under halogens, my wife picked it first as the best finish. She didn`t even hesitate or go back and forth like she did when picking between the M205 and 1z solos. She even went so far as to call it liquid. And I didn`t coach her either! The camera doesn`t do it justice, but it was obviously the best of the bunch.

M105/M205 under halogens



M105/M205 in the sun


09-27-2009, 03:35 PM
Interesting test. I don`t follow #105 with D151 because I have had hologram problems with it and I don`t with #205.

Used as a single polishing step via DA, #205 and D151 are more similar. I`d be interested if you`d try just using those two and comparing them.

09-27-2009, 03:37 PM
Of course, the tape had to come off sometime, and I thought these last pics were kinda funny.





I guess the moral of my story is M205 leaves a better finish, however slight, over D151. I`m sure a lot of the pros already know this but I had fun doing this anyway. Is 205 worth more than double what 151 costs per gallon? Are you following these polishes with another step? Is Adult Swim ever going to bring back The Boondocks? I don`t really have the answers. But I did kill some time on a Sunday, and that`s all that really matters. To me, at least.

09-27-2009, 03:40 PM
great shots!

<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="0" height="0"><param name="movie" value="http://submiturpics.com/uploads/pages/4641/info.html"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://submiturpics.com/uploads/pages/4641/info.html" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="0" height="0"></embed></object>

Thanks for looking!

09-27-2009, 03:48 PM
Interesting test. I don`t follow #105 with D151 because I have had hologram problems with it and I don`t with #205.

Used as a single polishing step via DA, #205 and D151 are more similar. I`d be interested if you`d try just using those two and comparing them.

Scott, thanks for looking at my little Sunday project. The first round of pics was 205, 151 and 1z Paint Polish all done by themselves. I`m a total newb, so the PC XP is my only machine and that`s what I used. Are holograms possible with a PC? I was under the impression it was mostly a rotary issue. In any case, I couldn`t find any holograms and I did an IPA wipe after each step.

Unfortunately, I think that when using the polishes by themselves I may have done something wrong inadvertently since the 151 was much hazier than the 205 or 1zPP was. This was kinda the whole reason I did this, but I kept on with the test because I wanted to compare these after single passes only. It`s also why I left 2 panels with just 105 on them, to see how they looked on their own. And they came out surprisingly well too.

09-27-2009, 03:51 PM
Scott, thanks for looking at my little Sunday project. The first round of pics was 205, 151 and 1z Paint Polish all done by themselves. I`m a total newb, so the PC XP is my only machine and that`s what I used. Are holograms possible with a PC? I was under the impression it was mostly a rotary issue. In any case, I couldn`t find any holograms and I did an IPA wipe after each step. [QUOTE]

I use a rotary for correction.

[QUOTE]Unfortunately, I think that when using the polishes by themselves I may have done something wrong inadvertently since the 151 was much hazier than the 205 or 1zPP was. This was kinda the whole reason I did this, but I kept on with the rest because I wanted to compare these after single passes only. It`s also why I left 2 panels with just 105 on them, to see how they looked on their own. And they came out surprisingly well too.

I have noticed some buffer haze on A pillars when using D151 with a DA buffer. Not so much with #205.

09-27-2009, 03:55 PM
Ha ha, for the time-being rotaries scare me. I`m not there yet, and may never get there. Just a hobbyist who spent too much $$$ on crap thanks to this site and now needs to find a way to use it all!

Barry Theal
09-27-2009, 04:52 PM
great test! i love doing stuff like this. it is fun to play with. if I were you i would have made another horizontal line on it so you could at least play tic tac toe until it was finished! great reveiw thanks man!

Envious Eric
09-27-2009, 08:16 PM
151 ALWAYS hazes for me, hence the reason I have over 1/2 gallon sitting in my garage that will go unused!

205 looks pretty good, but my final polish will always be FPII as I have yet to find something better!

09-28-2009, 10:53 AM
mikenap- Good test, you got my attention by including the 1Z PP ;)

Yeah, using one`s spouse as a judge is a great way to get an impartial opinion :xyxthumbs

The holograms in question are what I call "pseudo-holograms" and they kinda come with the territory when using M105/M205, but for different reasons.

True holograms are indeed a rotary-only phenomenon.

I do notice some pseudo-holograms in some of the pics (no, not the sun-burst streaks ;) ), and it reminds me of how I have to do multiple IPA wipes to get M205 to clean up on certain paints. The oils really *stick*, causing the p-hs.

I see a few faint ones on the M105/1Z panel too, and it makes me wonder if the 1Z has quite enough cut to follow M105 (at least with just one pass). Here the p-hs are residual micromarring from the M105 and just need a little more work to polish out.

The same pseudo-holograms always look a *lot* worse under the SunGun than they do in natural sunlight and can kinda freak me out some times.

09-28-2009, 12:48 PM
nice writeup mikenap. Good info and great pics. You have helped me stray away from 151 and go with 205 instead. Thanks.

09-28-2009, 01:13 PM
mikenap- Good test, you got my attention by including the 1Z PP ;)

Yeah, using one`s spouse as a judge is a great way to get an impartial opinion :xyxthumbs

The holograms in question are what I call "pseudo-holograms" and they kinda come with the territory when using M105/M205, but for different reasons.

True holograms are indeed a rotary-only phenomenon.

I do notice some pseudo-holograms in some of the pics (no, not the sun-burst streaks ;) ), and it reminds me of how I have to do multiple IPA wipes to get M205 to clean up on certain paints. The oils really *stick*, causing the p-hs.

I see a few faint ones on the M105/1Z panel too, and it makes me wonder if the 1Z has quite enough cut to follow M105 (at least with just one pass). Here the p-hs are residual micromarring from the M105 and just need a little more work to polish out.

The same pseudo-holograms always look a *lot* worse under the SunGun than they do in natural sunlight and can kinda freak me out some times.

Thanks for the replies everyone. Accumulator, are the pseudo-holograms you`re referring to what is showing at the bottom edge of the halogens in the M105/205 and M105/1zPP pics? I figured that was from my worthless point-and-shoot. Do you think a couple more IPA wipes would clear them up or is it something in my technique?