View Full Version : "Protecting" Clear Coat Failure until Repair

09-26-2009, 10:02 PM
I have a spot on the fender where the clear coat is pealing off, it`s about 3 inches in diameter. I know this can only be fixed by a body shop, but in the meantime, what should I do to `protect` the area? When I polish the car should I avoid this spot or polish it as well?

09-26-2009, 10:15 PM
There going to repaint the whole fender. I would do whatever you want to.

09-27-2009, 11:53 AM
The `93 Audi has problems like this (sigh....).

Polish gently, try to "fade" the edges of the failed spot so it`s a smoother transition as opposed to a sharp edge. Something like #80 might be a good choice depending on the paint`s hardness.

I find that Meg`s older stuff is good for this as the Trade Secret Oils seem to work nicely on the exposed basecoat (not the same as on regular single stage, but I suspect it`s the same kind of thing).

Then wax it up, trying to avoid wax residue along the edges of the failed spot (another reason to smooth the transition a its edges).

You might be surprised at how well this can arrest the damage, or at least retard any worsening.

09-27-2009, 12:43 PM
Short of repainting, there`s not much you can do. Polishing to "fade" the edges

isn`t a good idea. It`s already thinned and failing so why make it worse??

Plan on having it repaired/refinished while the area is still small. Best solution.

09-27-2009, 01:02 PM
Short of repainting, there`s not much you can do. Polishing to "fade" the edges

isn`t a good idea. It`s already thinned and failing so why make it worse??

Plan on having it repaired/refinished while the area is still small. Best solution.

No question, repainting is the solution.

On the Audi, working the edges/exposed basecoat removed loose paint, effected an very noticeable improvement in the appearance, and made for a more gradual transition from cleared to not that made it easier to avoid a buildup of LSP/etc.

Noting that this is my only experience with doing this, it`s worked out very well; twelve months later things are no worse than before whereas previously it was gradually worsening in a pretty obvious way. I guess it`s just another YMMV case where my "that`s not a good idea..." stuff regarding paintwork has worked out swell for me :nixweiss