View Full Version : Removal of Company Transfer Signage - Your best product ideas please?

09-25-2009, 04:19 PM
Hi, just wondering what Autopians would recommend to remove unwanted transfers from a vehicle. They`ve been on the car about 4 months, any ideas what is best to use to get the transfers off without removing the laquer with it!

Hoping its going to be quite an easy job, just never had to remove these things before,



09-25-2009, 04:40 PM
Are you talking about dealer logos?

If they are the decal type, use a hair dryer to warm them up, then carefully peel them off. Any residue can be removed with #3M`s adhesive remover, DuPont`s Prep Sol or mineral spirits.

If they are the plastic raised type, use a piece of dental floss to "saw" the logo off like you would use dental floss to clean your teeth, the remove any leftover adhesive with the aforementioned products.

If the logo is riveted on (there are some dealerships that still do this barbaric branding to the cars they sell) :soscared::nono:angry:furious: all you can do is take it to a body shop to drill out the rivets, fill the holes and paint the area to match.

09-25-2009, 04:43 PM
Hi, not dealer logo`s more like company advertisment stickers/transfers, as for their adhesive I don`t know,


09-25-2009, 06:09 PM
Try the 3M Stripe off wheel. It is like a rotary eraser that works absolute wonders for striping, decals, etc. It should also work for your application. Then when you are done, just use mineral spirits to remove the glue and re-wax.

3M? Stripe Off Wheel (http://solutions.3m.com/wps/portal/3M/en_US/Marine/Home/Products/Catalog/?PC_7_RJH9U5230GE3E02LECIE20S4K7_nid=BZVN4V5PK4beR J5GMFSMV0gl)

09-25-2009, 08:54 PM
heat gun is your very best freind in this type of thing I;ve done hundred of vinyl removal for various companies. A good heat gun will soften (or melt if you leave it on too long) the vinyl in seconds and a plastic razor blade will slide it right off.

09-26-2009, 12:55 AM
Thanks for your responses so far!

09-26-2009, 08:13 AM
When you pull them off, don`t pull back from the paint or back toward the sticker.

Stretch the stickers off. get an edge loose then pretend you`re trying to stretch the sticker out to cover more surface. The adhesive will come off with the sticker and save you having to use adhesive remover.

Report back please.
