View Full Version : Will using a Rotary or DA for waxing often cause the clear to thin?

09-22-2009, 06:09 AM
I`m one of those OCD people who likes to clean and wax vehicles often. At least every 2 - 3 weeks. I used to do it by hand for years, and but I have used a rotary with a finishing pad in the past, as well. I also just got a Flex 3401 DA, not too long ago, to see what all the hype was about. A friend of mine says that I shouldn`t use a rotary to wax because it will remove paint no matter what pad or product I use. I like using the rotary and now the Flex, too, for waxing, because it helps speed up the process, and is easy to spread the product nicely thin and even. I find that I don`t wax as much product by using the machine instead of by hand. So to me, I prefer using the machines instead of by hand these days. What I am concerned about though, is if my friend is correct? Will I wear out my clear by using the machines to apply waxes. I always use the softest finishing pads with no cut, and I mostly use Collinite products, like 945/925, and their double coat/885. I do like to use cleaner waxes now and then too though, depending on the condition of the paint. I only polish the vehicles once or twice a year, so I`m not too worried about that, but will non-abrasive waxes and cleaner waxes thin the paint surface if I use the rotary or flex 3401 with a soft finishing pad, instead of by hand?

:buffing: :nervous2:

09-22-2009, 06:19 AM
No, personally I would not use a rotary to wax the car with though, use the flex it should make it a bit easier.

To remove any amount of clear you really have to have a strong non diminishing abrasive and waxes are not abrasive, even cleaner waxes are not abrasive, most are a chemical cleaner but nothing strong enough to diminish the clear.

If you even have a question whether or not something is abrasive just squirt a little in your hand and rub it with your fingers and you`ll be able to feel the grit, it will feel like lotion with sand in it.


09-22-2009, 06:39 AM
Some cleaner waxes certainly do have abrasives in them. In reality, you don`t have anything to worry about unless you used something really harsh. I`d be more worried about dirt on your pads than wearing out the paint from the product though.

09-22-2009, 11:11 AM
I`m one of those OCD people who likes to clean and wax vehicles often. At least every 2 - 3 weeks.... Will I wear out my clear by using the machines to apply waxes. I always use the softest finishing pads with no cut, and I mostly use Collinite products, like 945/925, and their double coat/885..

The Collinite stuff in nonabrasive so you can use it as often as you like as long as the pads are also nonabrasive (and they oughta be for decent results anyhow). Nonabrasive product + nonabrasive pad = no abrasion (as long as the surface being waxed is clean).

But honestly, redoing Collinite frequently is a waste of time/effort/product IMO.