View Full Version : Getting cloudyness out of my wheels

09-18-2009, 11:47 AM
I have C6 Vette wheels on my truck. They are polished aluminum clear coated. There are many cloudy spots on the wheels, I have also noticed that other C6 wheels have the same problem. I tried rubbing some M205 with a applicator on them but it didnt seem to do much if anything. I was thinking of using M105 on them, but I dont know if thats going to be too aggressive and leave me with other problems. Anyone else seen this problem? Here a shotty pic from my cell phone. As you can see, it gets slightly cloudy on that one portion of the wheel.


Any ideas?

Setec Astronomy
09-19-2009, 06:01 AM
I have similar wheels on my car. Mine was a demo car that the dealer put a few hundred miles on, and washed I-don`t-know-how-many times. I initially blamed them for trashing the wheels, but after some polishing attempts, I`m not so sure that it isn`t a case of the bare aluminum NOT being polished to a mirror in all spots before being cleared.

In my case, the base wheels are painted silver, while the "upsell" wheels are "high polished". So the base wheels the aluminum can be all cloudy/swirled and you`d never know under the silver paint, so they have to take a regular wheel and shine it up before clearing...how perfect a job are they going to do on a mass market wheel? I`d expect they would do a little better on a `Vette, but you never know.

I gave up polishing mine because nothing I did seemed to make any difference.

09-19-2009, 07:20 AM
I know they`re coated but Blue Magic metal polish, or Flitz, are both recommended for use on plastic so they sometimes work on those kinds of wheels.

Yours don`t really look that bad. Usually I have to resort to metal polish on the coated wheels when the previous detailer has used something that really clouded the wheels, made them milky.
