View Full Version : Wolfgang Fuzion over Zaino

09-14-2009, 08:02 PM
Has anyone tried this? I used to use Zaino but have been using Fuzion. If anyone has tried this, how does it look.

David Fermani
09-14-2009, 08:09 PM
That`s sacrilege to the Zaino communtiy. Zaino should be used as a stand alone product IMHO. Not as a "power bottom" under Fuzion.

Cleaning Fool
09-14-2009, 08:55 PM
I use Zaino alot and if you apply a wax soon after a Z application you just won`t see alot of difference in the appearance of the paint. Now if you put a coat of wax on 2 months after a Z layer, you will more than likely see a difference. The Zaino community could care less about putting a wax over Zaino, just understand you may not see a difference at all, its what most will tell you.

09-14-2009, 09:41 PM
Give it a try! I like to put down several layers of Z2, and then top it up with Nattys Blue or something after every wash.

09-14-2009, 10:35 PM
Has anyone tried this? I used to use Zaino but have been using Fuzion. If anyone has tried this, how does it look.

It looks good. If you have both products try them and see how you like them together. It`s not going to hurt anything.

09-16-2009, 06:06 PM
Use Z8 over it, looks better than pretty much anything.

09-16-2009, 09:40 PM
Not as a "power bottom" under Fuzion.

I love it when you say "power bottom" you big tease. http://www.scottwax.com/rice/videos/smilies/```fight2.gif

I agree with you though, stick with one LSP, go with the one you like the best and apply it as often as needed. Makes detailing so much easier. :)

Bobby G
09-16-2009, 10:28 PM
Has anyone tried this? I used to use Zaino but have been using Fuzion. If anyone has tried this, how does it look.

And they wonder why I drink!

Rob Tomlin
12-02-2009, 09:12 PM
I love it when you say "power bottom" you big tease. http://www.scottwax.com/rice/videos/smilies/```fight2.gif

I agree with you though, stick with one LSP, go with the one you like the best and apply it as often as needed. Makes detailing so much easier. :)

I thought this "topping" craze was starting to come to an end around here, but after reading several different threads recently I can see that is not the case by a long shot.

I still "don`t get it" when it comes to the idea of "topping". :nixweiss

12-02-2009, 10:16 PM
You havent heard of topping or Zaino and Fuzion?

I tend to top stuff off because I can never make up my mind on which new product

I want to try.

12-02-2009, 11:05 PM
I can only imagine "power bottom" being said by Gov. Arnold in one of his movie one liners..."Considdah it a pow-ah bah-dumm!"..."It`s natta pow-ah bah-dumm!"

As for Fuzion over Zaino...call me old fashioned, but I`m a 1 product at a time guy :P

I`m thinking the solvents in Fuzion may remove some Zaino anyway, so the matter may be moot in the end.

12-02-2009, 11:13 PM
I thought this "topping" craze was starting to come to an end around here, but after reading several different threads recently I can see that is not the case by a long shot.

I still "don`t get it" when it comes to the idea of "topping". :nixweiss

It generally tends to be newbs who want to top with different LSP`s because they generally haven`t learn that they LSP only makes up a small amount of the gloss/wetness/depth of the paint when really quality polishing is the lion share of such look.

Rob Tomlin
12-02-2009, 11:32 PM
It generally tends to be newbs who want to top with different LSP`s because they generally haven`t learn that they LSP only makes up a small amount of the gloss/wetness/depth of the paint when really quality polishing is the lion share of such look.

Werd. :up


12-04-2009, 10:36 AM
Well, I am not a noob and top the Z`s with Fuzion a lot!! For some reason Fuzion does a great job of keeping the car clean for longer. Dust doesn`t collect to fuzion. So by topping the Z`s with Fuzion it tones down the plastic look a bit and customers can have a car that looks cleaner for longer.

Call me crazy!!!