View Full Version : Discolored tires

07-11-2003, 03:30 PM
My new BFG ATs have a discolored ring about 2 or 3 inches wide right around the rim. What is this and what can I do about it? I am waiting on a reply from BFG.

07-12-2003, 05:08 PM
Without being able to see the tires it is kind of hard to say have you tried regular tire cleaner to see if it will do anything? What does the tire dealer have to say?

07-12-2003, 07:09 PM
Odds are, a good tire cleaner & a brush will make short work of the discoloration. If it`s a brown discoloration, it`s perfectly a normal occurance.

07-13-2003, 08:52 AM
I`ll see if I can post a picture. I usually post them too large. The discoloration is like ring-around-the-rim. Even when I clean and dress the tires, the discoloration is still there. I`ll call BFG on Monday.

07-13-2003, 10:18 AM
It may be the tire, but if it isn`t, you really have to get in there with a scrub brush and some cleaner (I like Amazing Roll Off) and scrub that tire clean. Many people assume that tires somehow clean themselves, but they require some serious care to look their best.

07-13-2003, 10:47 PM
What kind of rims do you have? if they are steel, then you need to go to a good tire shop...have then grind the edge of the rim and then put a bead sealer on, sometimes it`s rust....but to clean the tire get a good nylon brush and use an APC ...with a little arm power it could be done;)
I`ve seen this on a lot of Classic`s and Antiques with a wide whitewall they have a stain similar..you scrub it out, but the problem is really the wheel with rust around the bead and will just keep coming back unless corrected propperly

also if it is aluminum....and it doesn`t come out..call the mfg and ask them WTF...:D

07-14-2003, 07:41 AM
The rims are the stock Chevrolet aluminums. The actual "ring" is 2-3 inches wide, not just a bead right around the rim. I`m going to hound BFG today.:mad:

07-14-2003, 10:55 AM
yes i did a double check with the side of the family in the tire biz...they said the same...complain to BFG...it shouldn`t happen on a new tire...and even if it was a steel rim it wouldn`t be that wide..just a half inch or so at max...