View Full Version : 99 Dodge Dakota detail...

09-09-2009, 11:21 PM
oddly enough, I saw another 99 on here which was funny, but anyway...

Well I FINALLY got it finished. I bought a few products from Phil... one being a Flex DA polisher from my soon to be wife (10 days) for my 31st B-day. Sorry about not having more before pics.

In no order the products were...


Menzerna SIP

Menzerna FP

Meg`s 105 compound

CCS orange pad

Uber blue pad

Black CCS pad

1z Einzett Glanzwax

Claybar (don`t remember brand)


These are actually NOT water spots... this was after the wash and clay... I guess it was bird crap etching.



as I had stated before this is a 99 truck that has only 44,000 miles on it... it only goes to the dump and back, some errands like going to home depot and carrying lumber etc, and as you can see.. it has taken a beating. Most of these scratches obviously are down into the primer and won`t be coming out... but a good protective coat will help it to last at least.


I started at the rear of the truck... this is from a pass with the SIP



Another shot after the SIP pass on the side of the truck.. it`s great stuff and the reflection was awesome... sorry about some of the polishing dust lol.




after this was done my fiance` ran into some problems with her car and I had to wait for a few weeks to get the truck wash and back into the garage... which turned out to be ok as I got some new products I could play with. I had done some work to the hood, but then finished everything yesterday.

A reminder of just how bad this thing was...


A 50/50 shot after a pass of SIP and the tape was removed..


at this point I realized that I would need more than the SIP so under a few recommendations from FJF and others I tried the Megs 105. and as you can see from the reflection in the hood on the left side.. I used it all over. It works well, but I can`t say I care for how fast it dries as opposed to the SIP.

I didn`t take many before pics, but less the dust in this pic... the whole truck was scratched about like you see here


Ultimately it turned out to be worth it, as here are the final shots after the Megs, a coat of Menzerna FP with Uber blue pad, and then the 1z Glanzwax.


That pic didn`t show the hood as well, so here is after just the meg`s and some SIP that was a few days prior...




Again, notice the car in the reflection {thumbup}


Is it the best work i`ve done? No, but this isn`t a show truck, it`s just one that needed a good cleaning and was a good test for some new products and to test my skills as well. The Flex is quite an awesome machine.. it`ll work you a lot more than the PC, but it also can do so much more... so much faster. I love it. The Glanzwax looks great as well and supposedly has 6 months worth of protection, we`ll see how that goes as the months pass. The shine from it seems to be bright and slick and it`s worth the price to give it a test since it`s not a high dollar wax and provides good protection. Anyway, thanks for looking guys!

09-10-2009, 09:41 AM
I bet the owner was thrilled, it looks like a completely different truck! Great job.

09-10-2009, 11:33 AM
I bet the owner was thrilled, it looks like a completely different truck! Great job.

Thank you!... yes... I was thrilled how it came out... haha it`s actually the family truck, I would have done better work on someone elses car... I was just testing out some of the products that I had gotten from my fiance` for my b-day.

09-13-2009, 07:19 AM
Love the reflection shots, is does look like a different truck!

Boston Man
09-13-2009, 08:34 AM

I just did a headlight resto on a 98 Dakota. It had really bad cc failure on the hood and roof.

09-13-2009, 10:52 AM

I just did a headlight resto on a 98 Dakota. It had really bad cc failure on the hood and roof.

yeah, i`ve actually now noticed quite a few out on the road that are having the problem as well... i`m hopeful that if I keep a good protective coat on it, it will stop the hood from having the issue.