View Full Version : Finally found a pine sap remover that actually works!

09-09-2009, 11:29 AM
Another local detailer I know turned me onto this product for a car I got that was covered in pine sap. I`ve tried the 3M aerosol kind, Bug N Tar remover, sap dissolver, alchohol, wd40, gels, sprays, aerosols, the local carbright people said peanut butter or peanut oil lol...

Anyway, this stuff instantly starts desolving it like its supposed to. You can see old crystalized pine sap with dirt start flowing down with the sprayed on liquid instantly pretty much.

I`m thouroughly impressed so far, it works really good on tar and bugs as well, but I`ve never seen anything work so good on pine sap.

He said he got in on ebay back in the spring and has seen it pop up on there a few times since but its not always on there. It comes in a 2oz spray bottle and cost him $10 including shipping. Seemed a little pricey, but for the way it worked and how little you need to use it was worth it to me.

It doesn`t look like anything special and the label was worn off on his bottle, but it has a nice lubricity to it, a good smell, and works great. He`s going to try to look through his won auctions on there and see if he can`t find the name of the place that sells it or the product name.

If I can borrow a camera that will take decent video I could try to post a vid of it if anyone really wanted to see it work. The sap on this car was literally over a year old and crystalized on. It took it all right off and just left some real minor spotting. Had it been got to sooner it would probably come all off without any spotting left over.

09-09-2009, 04:30 PM
Guess no one else has tree sap/tar problems lol


09-09-2009, 04:42 PM
Removing tree sap is simple. It is water based, not solvent based so you need something water based to remove it, i.e. alcohol, windex, water.... Just soak a MF in HOT water. Set the towel on top of the sap to soften it then caefully wipe off or rewash when done. The older the sap is the longer it will take to soften it and remove it.

09-09-2009, 05:07 PM
That was a long way to go for no product info, other than it was on Ebay. Much too vague to be of any help.

09-09-2009, 05:40 PM
That was a long way to go for no product info, other than it was on Ebay. Much too vague to be of any help.

x2, what exactly did you use?

09-09-2009, 05:46 PM
I`m waiting to hear back from him, he thought it was something like "EZDetail sap and tar remover", I`ll hear back later, I`ve done the whole soaking with a hot rag method, and honestly this beat the heck out of that and everything else I`ve tried...

I should be able to give an answer later tonight or tomorrow mroning on the exact name of it, sorry for the lack of info, just figured someone else on here may have tried it also...

09-09-2009, 06:17 PM
Dexcool instantly removes all sap and tar as well ;) it`s what most companies re-label as bug and tar remover. If it`s orange it`s almost certianly a dexcool based product.

09-09-2009, 08:58 PM
Jakerooni....I just did a search for Dexcool....looks like it`s an antifreeze product???? I have been looking for an effective tree sap remover for some time now. Any product names you could suggest?


09-09-2009, 09:25 PM
Pine sap generally isn`t a problem here but if you find out the name of the product I`d like to know for future reference.

09-09-2009, 11:41 PM
The closest I could find on Ebay was:

Lustro Pine Resin Remover which comes in an 8oz bottle and sells for $9.99.

The website for the company is golustro.com and they have other products available, but the pine sap remover is listed at $7 a bottle instead of $9.99.

I have no idea if the product is good or not, seems like they are looking to expand their market share as the website is looking for distributors.



09-10-2009, 08:10 AM
This is definately not orage and doesn`t smell like Dexcool at all, its clear...

He was correct on the name, looked it up last night on his ebay history, its EZDetail Sap Remover.

I looked on ebay with no luck, I`d definately add a bottle to my arsenal if I could find it.. Maybe I`ll luck out and he won`t ask for this bottle back haha

09-10-2009, 03:19 PM
Ok, so I took back that bottle to the guy here in town and I guess its being sold as "Sap Zap" now, I bought a bottle, and yes its the same thing. He bought a couple extra bottles since its not always on ebay and he couldn`t find it anywhere else. I begged him him to sell me one and he came off one for me haha.

Anyway, here`s a pic, if you see it anywhere I`d pick it up, kinda pricy at $10 for 2ounces but its well worth it and saves a ton of time


09-10-2009, 03:26 PM
if anyone was interested it has an email address on the bottle but I searched for a site and couldn`t find anything so who knows. It reads: ezdetail@ymail.com

He said it took about a week to come in after he ordered it, I sent them an email to see if they sell it in any larger quantities but haven`t heard back

09-10-2009, 07:49 PM
Sounds good if it works like you say. My experience is that "real" southern pine sap is one of the toughest things to remove from paint. If it`ll dissolve that stuff it get`s my vote. Orange stuff....forgetaboutit!

About the best thing I`ve found is Goof Off which works very well on fresh pine sap...and will also remove hardened pine sap (which is the most common type) with a little careful rubbing. Of course it also removes whatever wax/sealant was beneath the spot...so some touch up is required.

09-11-2009, 07:02 AM
I`ll see if I can make a little video, I really couldn`t believe it when I tried it after going through my collection of stuff and nothing really doing anything to the old crusted on sap.