View Full Version : FK 1000 Hi Temp Paste Wax

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09-08-2009, 05:04 PM
Just received the above from Autogeek, and on opening it, the wax was very hard. Usually if you rub the applicater on it, ,the surface will soften up. I didn`t have the time to play with it today, but am wondering if this will soften up or is it normally that hard.

09-08-2009, 05:34 PM
It`s a hard wax. You`ll just have to use some elbow grease and your app pad to heat it up.

Don`t put it on too thick either.

There was a topic on this a week or so ago. So you might want to do a search and read some tips, and tricks to applying.

09-08-2009, 05:35 PM
The wax is really hard in the tin, but once you spin a foam applicator a few times it will soften up to let you apply a thin layer. Key is a thin layer, and then let it sit for 15ish min or time it takes to go around the car and buff off.

09-08-2009, 08:30 PM
In case the first two responses weren`t enough...........apply it thin. Or you`ll have Popeye arms when you`re finished removing it. :waxing:

09-08-2009, 08:31 PM
Really? Then Id better get me some 1000P!

09-08-2009, 08:42 PM
I use a moistened foam pad, swirl it a bit in the can, haven`t had any problems.

09-08-2009, 08:49 PM
I use a moistened foam pad, swirl it a bit in the can, haven`t had any problems.

+1 I like to moisten my foam pad with some FK425. Very good for thin applications.

09-08-2009, 09:23 PM
+1 I like to moisten my foam pad with some FK425. Very good for thin applications.

Gonna try this.. used 1000P for the first time last weekend. Definitely got work that stuff. haha

09-09-2009, 06:51 AM
Arrrgggh...... aye it`s a manly wax matey. Put it on thin and buff to win.

09-09-2009, 07:05 PM
a 4" blue lc pad moistened w/ a qd of your choice, i use sc hotrod detailer, fits nicely in the tin. spin for a second or so and apply w/ pc so easy and it works into the paint do the whole car in 45 min.great product. oh yeah apply it thin.

09-10-2009, 10:16 AM
V E R Y thin!! And for gosh sakes do NOT get it into crevices or on your trim!!

09-10-2009, 10:20 AM
V E R Y thin!! And for gosh sakes do NOT get it into crevices or on your trim!!

+ 1, be very very very careful around trim, ask me how I know :)

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09-10-2009, 10:24 AM
... for gosh sakes do NOT get it into crevices or on your trim!!


+ 1, be very very very careful around trim, ask me how I know :)

Huh...I used it on the black plastic exterior trim on the DenaliXL and it worked fine (this was over a base of either KAIO or ZAIO). I did chicken out and use KSG on the rubber surfaces of the running boards and step bumper, but otherwise I juse FK1000Ped its trim with no issues :nixweiss

09-10-2009, 10:44 AM

Huh...I used it on the black plastic exterior trim on the DenaliXL and it worked fine (this was over a base of either KAIO or ZAIO). I did chicken out and use KSG on the rubber surfaces of the running boards and step bumper, but otherwise I juse FK1000Ped its trim with no issues :nixweiss

+1, I apply it to trim and have had no problems using ZAIO as a base.

Though, it doesn`t like porous or textured trim unless you ensure you wipe off WELL.

If your depositing it into cracks and crevices your likely using too much.

On a side note. I do each panel twice. Wiping off the first thin layer immediately, then applying another and letting that sit until I work my way around.

I sometimes find that the first layer is almost absorbed and takes a few applications to "close off" the paint (it seems that way at least).

09-10-2009, 10:59 AM
NSXTASY- Yeah, I ended up doing a lot of applications on the Denali. And I usually employ a semi-W-O-W-O method whenever I apply LSPs to trim.

You`re right- a thin application doesn`t leave a lot of product in the texture and I think that`s a big part of having this turn out OK.