View Full Version : Whats the absoulte best drying towel?

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09-07-2009, 10:19 PM
Hey guys,

Ive been looking to get back into this game again. I detailed my car last year or this year back in april?? Lol idk brain fart... but i want to know what the best type of drying towel to buy? Ive seen adams great white towel and was looking into getting that one.

I know that swirls are mostly from washing itself, but itll be good to know drying isnt adding any more. Drying with a QD is usually a must right? Then i see others say just let it air dry and use "Spotless soap". Whats ur guys opinion on this stuff too?

I see air compressors are a big thing these days as well, but unfortunately dont have one at the house yet. Ill be asking for one for christmas, as it will also be good for my automotive repairs/mods.

09-07-2009, 10:28 PM
Some people are using electric leaf blowers to dry their cars. The Toro brand seems to be pretty popular.

I`ve never used an air compressor for drying a vehicle before, but I did read a post once where someone stated that some air compressors are not safe to use because they could force some oil through the hose and onto your paint.

I use regular Viking mf towels as well as their ww drying towel with little problems. The only thing that I don`t like about the ww is that it snags on the badges of my car.

09-07-2009, 10:48 PM
lol. Yea, dont want oil on my car...

So compressor is a no go. I wouldnt want to invest in a leaf blower, since i dont think im that crazy over swirls, but def do hate them!

What about the "spotless soap" as stated? How does that work? My friend bought the mr.clean spotless washer from woot.com when it was $14 to give it a try. Is it worth it or bad soaps to use in it?

I tried used something like it at my local car wash. You rinse with the "Spotfree dry" and it seemed to work well. Rinsed it, let it sit for a bit. Then i started to dry the big water spots off that werent dried yet. It didnt leave any spots behind and dried the car with minimal pressure using a whole bunch of mf towels.

09-07-2009, 11:14 PM
I`m might be in minority, but I think the best drying towel is a Chamois. I only washed it one time in three years. I bought a two pack, and never opened the second one because the first one wont die. Just get it damp and ring it, so soft and absorbent! I tried MF many times, I just don`t prefer it. Always washing them and i still haven`t found one that gets all the water off the surface the first pass, not that the Chamois does either, but I like the fact you don`t need to worry about washing it. I usually do two dries if I`m not waxing, second one with a gloss enhancer either Z6 or Z8 usually, ironically with a plush MF:) I`m not worrying about swirls, I just like the gloss those leave.

09-08-2009, 08:10 AM
Griots Garage has a waffle weave that IMHO is the best around.It has pockets to put your hand into(I opened them up).The price is a little crazy $35 I think. but it is a real good towel

09-08-2009, 04:23 PM
I like the Mothers foam core dual waffle weave. AG sells one like it too.

09-08-2009, 05:48 PM
AG sells the Mothers one. I have a Cobra WW from AG and the Mothers one. The Mothers one is epic win in my book. Super soft, and super absorbent. You almost feel bad taking it out of the package.

09-08-2009, 05:51 PM
PakShak gets my vote, it`s the thickest I`ve used thus far (PB, Cobra, Danase first ww, Microtech) I keep going back to it.

09-08-2009, 07:59 PM
I would go with the Danase Extremely Large Water Devourer. Its the softest drying towel I own. It is almost too big though. I`ve never had it get even near fully saturated on any vehicle I`ve done. They do have the 16"x16" for under $5

09-08-2009, 10:12 PM
pakshak seems like a good one to me.

What your opinions on spotless soaps? Do you guys use them? Whats a good soap to use in the sun? I hate waterspots! I feel i have to scrub them off and i know im scratching the paint...

09-08-2009, 10:24 PM
there are so many different drying media`s, it just comes down to what YOU like. if you want a ultra-soft waffle weave for a great price, patrick at exceldetail has them. both the x-large viking (k-mart or kragen) or vroom (target) microfiber towels are great as well, and can be had otc...

Excel Monterey Waffle Weave Drying Towel (http://www.prestostore.com/cgi-bin/store.pl?ref=exceldetail&ct=29280&pd=133820)



09-08-2009, 10:53 PM
Well all i know that i like is, something that is big, that can do a whole car and something that doesnt leave scratches behind. I think a waffle weave towel is best because it doesnt catch and leave particles caught in the towel like MF does.

09-09-2009, 06:14 AM
I think a waffle weave towel is best because it doesnt catch and leave particles caught in the towel like MF does.

I don`t agree with that reasoning at all.

The non WW MF are less likely to scratch than WW MF. They are softer and you shouldn`t be applying any pressure any ways when you dry. Just blot dry and marring will be non issue. If you do apply pressure to dry I will definitely go with non WW MF. The Viking gold towel and the Walmart blue towel are nicer towels than any WW MF I have used or owned and I currently have over 20 WW MF from various vendors. I also notice WW MF seem to lose their absorbency faster than non WW MF. Non WW MF are also great for rinseless washes like QEW because of the nap.

imported_DJ Mayo
09-09-2009, 07:50 AM
I use the WW Drying Towels Detailed Image sells. Been doing so for quite some time now. Never had any problems with them and they still absorb like day 1. I always frequently wash with Micro Restore as well. Those towels get my vote all day.

09-09-2009, 08:22 AM
I`ve got a Viking WW and I`m starting not to like it. It snags on every little thing and I think that it`s also scratching or marring the paint as well.