View Full Version : Detailing weekend done! Overall Success

09-07-2009, 06:38 PM
Started Friday night with a wash... then my dumb @#$ pulled the car in the garage, and used a leaf blower to blow the cracks /drips out (a 2nd time) after pulling it in... and I stirred up all kinds of dust.

Saturday morning I pulled the car back out and hit the whole thing with water, then clayed it all. 9 hours later I was done polishing.

Ended up using M205+Orange on the whole car, I got out the bulk of the swirls with my PC XP and the M205+Orange combo, then hit a couple trouble spots with a 4" orange pad.

After polishing, I did 2 coats of Z-5 with ZFX, then 1 coat of Z-2. I finished off with a top coat of #845 over the front clip, back of the mirrors, and the leading line of the roof.

Car looks amazing, very happy with the results, I`ll get some pics and post them tomorrow. 3 days it had better look good lol

09-07-2009, 06:47 PM
you used the orange pad and 205 for correction???

09-07-2009, 09:36 PM
Yah, I didn`t go for the deeper scratches, but it took out most of the swirls/marring from the bad washes and dealer abuse..

There were actually a couple small areas where it looked like someone scrubbed it with 3000 grit wet-sand, or maybe an abrasive shop rag / paper towel... maybe 1" x 1"... It took them out with the orange 4" and M205, and you can`t even tell where they were.

Very satisfied for my first attempt, though not too impressed with the amount of work lol... so many hours ugh, I want to learn a rotary.

Acumulator suggested in another thread if the White+M205 didn`t take out what I needed, to try Orange+M205 before going to the M105. It was good enough for me (since it meant not having to make 2 passes) so I ran with it!

On a side note, I hate RAIN-X now, its a PITA to wipe off, I think I`ll go with wax next time

09-08-2009, 08:29 AM
Definatly stay away from Rain X

09-08-2009, 09:29 AM
i used 205/orange on my motorcycle panels this weekend (plastic) and it worked great.

09-08-2009, 10:31 AM
Definatly stay away from Rain X


09-08-2009, 01:36 PM
I`ve used rain x and it was crap. It didn`t help with beading whatsoever and it was a tad messy.

09-09-2009, 04:25 PM
The RainX was hell to get off, even after buffing it off, it left residue behind, like getting dry wax off textured plastic! Even after some glass cleaner it was still there!! That or RainX expires, this was a pretty old bottle, I did shake it well though.

A couple pics... not the best, pictures just don`t do the finish justice

