View Full Version : Leather cleaner

09-06-2009, 06:17 AM
I have i bottle of blue magic leather cleaner and wondering if it would be ok to cut it 50/50 with some water cause it seems kinda strong

09-06-2009, 06:54 AM
Read the ingredients on the bottle ... my guess is that water is already the main ingredient anyway. If that`s the case, adding more water should not cause any problems IMO.


09-06-2009, 10:44 AM
I used Blue Magic before I found this forum, and its honestly not a bad cleaner. I ride a motorcycle so my leather jacket gets a lot of treatment. After finding this forum, I use a diluted solution of Woolite: 20 parts water to 1 part Woolite (concentrated version). Spray/wipe it on and agitate your leather (if its that dirty, parts of my jacket tend to be). Then wipe off with a slightly moist microfibre or terry cloth towel to remove all traces of the cleaner, then follow that up with a dry MF or TC towel to "buff" or at least dry it off prior to conditioning the leather. My jacket looks brand new after each treatment I do. I surprise myself each time.