View Full Version : zaino vs formula 113

09-04-2009, 06:34 PM
I have a black custom harley . Over the years i`ve heard that zaino is great on black paint , well after a few years of hearing that i thought i`d give it a try.

I hated it the shine was just a plasticky surface shine no depth whatsoever

i used the zaio and the z5 w/ the zfx. The other day i went to a local cruise night

and there was a black 55 chevy there that had the best shine i`ve ever seen so i asked the guy what he used and he told me that he ran out of his mothers carnauba wax so he ran to the local hardware store and he only had a choice between turtle wax ice and this stuff called formula 113 , he opted for the formula 113 BOY DID HE MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICE ! it also helps that he had a $15,000 paint job on his car but it looked gorgeous. The next day i went out and bought some formula 113 washed my bike with dawn and waxed it with one coat of the formula 113 vs 5 coats of the zaino that i did over a period of 7 days and the paint had a much deeper wet look , Hey it may not last as long but i really enjoy waxing my bike so that`s no problem. I don`t think i`ll ever use anything else on my bike.

09-04-2009, 07:04 PM
i doubt it

Bobby G
09-04-2009, 07:19 PM
Good grief... not this again!

09-04-2009, 07:25 PM
Pretty sad when Dave B has to step in and regulate every thread these days. :chill::chill::chill::chill::chill::chill: Hope there`s enough of these to go around.

09-04-2009, 08:03 PM
Good grief... not this again!

At least he welcomed the guy!