View Full Version : Question about KB method????

09-03-2009, 08:05 PM
I have been told mostly by other forum members to spread the product (polish) on the section that is being worked on BEFORE even turning on the PC.

This makes sense to me to see that a equal amount of product is being applied to each part of the panel being worked on. KB recommends that you do not spread the product before turning on your PC.

There is no doubt in my mind that KB knows what he is talking about and most importantly... he is correct, but I dont get it!

It seems as if by doing this.... the last part of the section that you make a pass over, that area will get less polish/product than the area did that you first landed your PC on.

Does this make sense????? Can someone explain to me?

Also, most of you guys talk about putting the product on the pad and yet most of the videos I see show the product actually being directly applied on the panel and THEN being worked on by a primed pad. Whats up with that??

09-03-2009, 08:17 PM
105 dries quickly, so if you start spreading it around it will give you less working time.

09-03-2009, 08:27 PM
ive always heard to not spread 105.