View Full Version : Chem Guys GreenClean

09-03-2009, 07:51 AM
hey all. i picked up a bottle of the greenclean as my APC (was unable to get megs where i shop). it states its good for everything, and was very dilutable to tweak its power.

however, when i got the bottle and read it all, it said not to use on paint. considering its a car care product, and says its good for interior and exterior use, do they actualy mean not to spray it on your paint? that makes no sense to me... if you are cleaning your car with this product, its almost a given that its going to touch the paint of the car.

... or... does it just mean paint like wall paint?

anyone used this stuff before? some clarficiation would be great :)

09-03-2009, 08:39 AM
Non-paint areas:


-plastic trim


Just a guess.

09-03-2009, 09:33 AM
i emailed Chem. Guys. hopefully ill have an answer shortly.

09-08-2009, 08:09 AM
no answer from Chem. Guys, so i mixed up their recommended amounts, and tried it. no ill effects as i was expecting... im just curious still as to why they put that on the bottle... unless they meant dont use it straight outa the bottle?

i used it on a car, and on my bike, and it was fine... so, there you go.

09-08-2009, 09:08 AM
thanks for the info, please let us know their `official` answer too :)

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09-08-2009, 09:30 AM
Typical b/s from CG`s often making two contasting claims on the same label! Im not sure that would be legal in many countries!

09-08-2009, 05:01 PM
Maybe they`ve got the same guy writing the labels who writes the product descriptions on their website.

I`m not trying to be high-handed...(hey, grammar`s not everyone`s strong suit)...., but, for the love of Pete, at least TRY to get someone who doesn`t treat English like a second or third language. It`s a bit embarrassing and unprofessional.

09-10-2009, 07:26 AM
got a response...

Hi Aaron,

Thank you for your interestin the CG line of products. Yes, it is a multi-surface cleaner, plastic , vinyl. trim cleaner for interior and exterior. You use it like any all-purpose cleaner. Yes, it does say not to use it on paint. It`s not design for paint cleaning this product may be too strong for paint especialy sigle stage paints.

to which i responded...

thanks for the reply Dee. even diluted to your recommended level of 16:1?

I tried this mix on my car and it seemed fine. also tried it on some of the

plastic on my motorcycle and it also seemed fine. though, theyr both

clearcoated finished.

and got back...

Hi Arron,

Great, as long as it works..:)

:) Dee

which didnt realy answer my question if it was the level of dilution that made it "paint safe", and if it was too strong straight out of the bottle and thats what they were warning about.

anyway, there you go.