View Full Version : Zaino question

08-30-2009, 09:02 PM
I`m a little bit confused about some of the Zaino (or Duragloss) products and although I will be asking them these questions directly I was hoping for some more objective feedback as well.

Z-2, Z-5 and Z-CS: Z-2 and Z-5 seem to be the same thing except that the Z-5 can also hide very fine scratches and swirl marks. Ok that makes sense but if that`s all there is to it than what`s the point of Z-2? What does Z-2 do better than Z-5 or what drawback does Z-5 have?

Adding to the confusion is Z-CS which also seems to do... the same thing only better and with even less effort? Is cost the only drawback or do Z-2 and/or Z-5 provide something that Z-CS alone cannot?

Z-6, Z-8: These two products present a similar dilemma. It appears that if there is any difference it is that the Z-6 is for both minor cleaning and appearance while the Z-8 is only for appearance but is better at it, but the descriptions are similar and vague enough that I`m just not sure. Can you just use the Z-8 for everything or do you still need the Z-6 for certain things?

08-30-2009, 10:07 PM
Z-5 is a favorite for darker colors, while often Z2 is chosen for lighter ones. Z-CS is indeed a WOWA product, but a bit different look than the other Zaino offerings.

Z8 is a spray sealant, but not as durable as Z-CS. Often used after washes and such. Z6 is your conventional QD.

SO, to add to the confusion, the Zaino layering pattern can go like this:











imported_Ol' Red
08-30-2009, 11:03 PM
^What. the. hell.

08-30-2009, 11:08 PM
Thats what a lot of the big time Zaino fans do. They alternate layers of ZFX`ed Z2/Z5

and put in some Z6/Z8 in between for "extra shine" or whatever.

Ive been happy with 1 layer of Z-2 myself.

08-30-2009, 11:37 PM
Thanks for the quick replies (and post approval). I guess my car would be considered dark but it is metallic paint and a very vibrant/bright color and maybe that changes things? If you search for "genesis coupe mirabeau" at google, google images or youtube you can see the color (though unfortunately the car itself never looks good in pictures for some reason).

I`ll definitely put on several layers the question is simply which products to layer. It seems like Do I just do Z-5 or Z-5 or Z-CS by itself, with Z-6 or Z-8 in between, or is it better to do like most people seem to do and s

08-30-2009, 11:48 PM
My best Zaino applications have been the most simple. Z1 then Z2 Pro for instance.


08-31-2009, 12:05 AM
Thanks for the quick replies. I guess my car would be considered dark but it is metallic paint and a very vibrant/bright color and maybe that changes things? If you search for "genesis coupe mirabeau" at google, google images or youtube you can see the color (though unfortunately the car itself never looks good in pictures for some reason).

So can I assume that the Z-2 and Z-5 look or perform slightly different since they are preferred for different colors? What`s the difference and how does the Z-CS compare? What do you think would work best on my color?

08-31-2009, 09:08 AM
SpoiledMan do you have these shot in a higher resolution? I would like to use it for wallpaper :bow

08-31-2009, 10:22 AM
SpoiledMan do you have these shot in a higher resolution? I would like to use it for wallpaper :bow

PM me your email address and promise that you wont use it in any other way. ;)

08-31-2009, 03:18 PM
I would pass on the ZCS, only the hardcore live and die by Zaino people say the stuff is super duper. If i were ordering some Z for the 1st time, i would get the Z-Aio, Z2P, maybe the hardener(i dont use it anymore), the Z whatever for tires, Z for leather if you need that, the Z clay (i like the little round container it comes in), the Z6, and last but not least Z8 <----- best stuff on earth as far as im concerned.

Use the Z6 like you would any other QD, um not for claying though, too expensive, then hit your car up with some Z8 after the Z2 has cured, omg, i would bottle the look and frame it if i could.

08-31-2009, 07:22 PM
I like Zaino but they are in business to sell PRODUCT! LAYERS...I dont buy it. Two coats is plenty...besides I outpolish any job done by hand or with that FUNKY dual machine thingy. When I polish by hand I strain my wrists I have been at this since 1969 like I said. I finish up with the machine FINISH pad LOW RPMs like 1000.

08-31-2009, 07:52 PM
Zaio- cleaner wax

ZPC- swirl remover

Z2pro- sealant

Z5pro- slightly filling sealant(less reflective, deeper)

ZCS- non hazing, slightly less durable but faster and easier sealant

Z8- spray and wipe extra bling sealant

Cleaning Fool
08-31-2009, 07:53 PM
I would go with Z2 Pro for your paint. It gives you the most bling.

08-31-2009, 07:59 PM
I like Zaino but they are in business to sell PRODUCT! LAYERS...I dont buy it. Two coats is plenty...besides I outpolish any job done by hand or with that FUNKY dual machine thingy. When I polish by hand I strain my wrists I have been at this since 1969 like I said. I finish up with the machine FINISH pad LOW RPMs like 1000.

I agree and that is why I`m trying to figure out exactly what each product does. Realistically I probably only need 2 or 3 things to get 90% of the protection and appearance for only 30% of the money.

It seems like simply getting Z-5 and Z-8 should be everything that I need but it feels like there has to be more to it than that and that I would be missing "something".