View Full Version : FK1000P on black Audi...

08-30-2009, 06:26 AM
I`ve got a black Audi.

Would you consider topping One Grand Omega Glaze with FK1000P, or would that hurt the durability of FK too much?

I also have Danase Wet Glaze and would consider topping it with FK1000P, but I`ve heard that One Grand is very good on black.


08-30-2009, 07:52 AM
I would go for wet glaze and then two coats of FK1000P.

08-30-2009, 10:51 AM

Being from Sweden, can you comment on how FK1000p holds up over winter?

08-30-2009, 01:30 PM
I am not Porta neither have I used 1000p but from what I have read yes two coats should hold up quite fine.


08-30-2009, 11:01 PM
I put 3 coats of 1000P on my MIL`s Honda last October. She lives in central PA, drives in all conditions, rain, snow, ice; road sludge and salt gets on the car. Her car was not washed until March. In April I washed it and was very pleased to see how well the 1000P had lasted through the winter, still beading very well. Her car is kept in a garage.

08-30-2009, 11:59 PM

Being from Sweden, can you comment on how FK1000p holds up over winter?

Honestly, I have never used FK1000P :o but all my friends swears by it so much so I am going to order it today. But after all I have heard, I think 2 layers will lasts around 3 months here in northern Sweden.