View Full Version : Speeding

11-23-2005, 08:02 PM
This past week-end I had reason to cover a few miles in a hurry and realized how ridiculous my speed habits have become.

1. When the speed limit was 55 mph, I ran a police scanner, a CB radio, and a radar detector so I could drive 70-75 mph. 20 over was automatic license suspension.

2. The speed limit is now 70 on our interstates and they allow you 5 over so 75 won`t get you in trouble. I still think I have to drive 10 to 15 mph over.

3. If 75 was fast enough when the speed limit was 55, why isn`t it fast enough for me now?

4. Is it possible that I am just rebelling against the system? :)

5. On the return trip, I varied my speed from 60 to 80 mph and checked my mileage computer and the difference in gas mileage was at least 10 mpg.
That costs me a lot more than the price of gas recently.

6. Will I slow down? Probably not, but at least now I know I`m crazy in more than one area. :)


11-23-2005, 08:19 PM
Boy you sure are wasting a lot of money in gas . What`s the hurry ?

11-23-2005, 08:36 PM
Charles, face it you are just rebel at heart.
That and it would be a shame to let the nice scanner and radar detector go to waste.

You could probably increase your milage and avoid radar by adding a coat of Mullet Wax.
You`d look so smooooth that the cop wouldn`t even see you go by :lol:


11-23-2005, 09:20 PM
From reading your posts and meeting you first hand I think that crazy is not quite true. I think that you look at life in a differnet way. That is to your credit.

Now if you said you were made of a different mold than some of us I would go along with that. Cause the saying "they broke the mold when they made... CharlesW, could never have been more truthful.

11-23-2005, 09:58 PM
I have the same problem, or habit....

Mr. Clean
11-23-2005, 10:51 PM
3. If 75 was fast enough when the speed limit was 55, why isn`t it fast enough for me now?

4. Is it possible that I am just rebelling against the system? :)

Hmmm, Charles my guess is that only 1 person on this forum can accurately answer those two...
Let us know what you come up with :D

5. On the return trip, I varied my speed from 60 to 80 mph and checked my mileage computer and the difference in gas mileage was at least 10 mpg…

I must say I’m just a bit surprised at such a variance.

From ... meeting you first hand...
Wow did I miss a GTG. How does one go about putting together an event with such diverse locations AK, IA, TX :D

11-23-2005, 11:17 PM
i drive normal simply to save gas. before my gas mileage was 17.4 on the computer. now with my better driving habits i got it up to 19.2. and extra 40-50 miles with each tank.

also my car stays cleaner. i only let my car rip the road everyonce in a while, when the car is already dirty and my gas tank is almost empty and i will be refueling soon. boy does hitting curves and corners quick become more fun when uve been driving like a turtle for a while...

11-24-2005, 07:32 AM
Wow did I miss a GTG. How does one go about putting together an event with such diverse locations AK, IA, TX :D

No you did not miss a GTG. I have family in Iowa close to Charles. Was going to the area so I asked to meet with him. He agreed. It was short and sweet. Got some Iowa baseball caps from Charles. A harley cap for my boy. Had some lunch. Took some pictures. Then down the road we went back to Texas from Iowa.