View Full Version : Proper Consistency of M205?

08-23-2009, 12:06 PM
How thick/thin is M205 supposed to be?

I just finished my first (quart) bottle yesterday and I refilled it from my new (gallon) jug. The new M205 is much thinner than the old stuff was, about like Half & Half. It shakes up differently (very easily), pours/primes differently ("oops!") and it performs differently (less cut, more prone to sling).

They are simply like two different products and I`m not as happy with the thinner stuff.

No question the two bottles of M205 were different, this was a direct one-to-the-other swap in the middle of doing a given area, about as direct a comparison as I can imagine.

So which one is the "normal" one?

08-23-2009, 09:40 PM
My 205 I got from ADS at the beginning of the summer is fairly thin. Its a bit messy and does indeed sling somewhat if you arent careful. To me, its thinner than the "new" 105 I got at the same time.

Greg Gellas
08-23-2009, 09:55 PM
Does the thinner 205 finish as well?

08-23-2009, 10:01 PM
My 205 is thinner than my 105. I would say maybe about 1/4 to 1/2 the consistency of 105.

08-24-2009, 09:51 AM
Well, yeah, both of my "versions" of M205 were quite a bit thinner than M105. I figured that to be expected as they`re so different.

I was using the new M205 again yesterday and it really *is* a whole different animal; priming the pads is simply a different experience than it was with the thicker stuff.

Does the thinner 205 finish as well?

Note that is is *very* hard clear so most anything finishes out OK. Even M105 looks almost ready-to-wax until you bring out the SunGun.

To the naked eye under normal lighting conditions, yes. But I haven`t gotten to the point of washing off the oils and doing a *real* inspection yet. Things were pretty decent before I got to this step anyhow.

08-24-2009, 10:46 AM
Interesting find, Accumulator. I`m curious to hear if other folks have experienced the same variations in 205 consistency.

My 205 is thinner than my 105. I would say maybe about 1/4 to 1/2 the consistency of 105.

Same here.

08-24-2009, 11:55 AM
I`ve been through a lot of 205. Like, a lot.... Mine is always the same consitency as speed glaze (for reference). A lot thinner than 105.

I just went and compared actually. My 205 is ever so slightly thicker than speed glaze, they are almost identical in thickness just different colors.

Jason M
08-24-2009, 04:32 PM
Half and half is too thin. Send it back to Meg`s customer care. I have gone through a few bottles and they have all been the consistency of M83...a little thicker than M80 as stated earlier.

08-25-2009, 11:18 AM
Thanks for the M205/M80 comparisons! That`s exactly what I was after but I didn`t want to skew things by suggesting it.

I`d figured a lot of people here have used a *LOT* more M205 than I have (gee, that`s not saying much) so I knew I`d get to the bottom of this.

I went out and compered the two and the "new" M205 in the gallon jug is thinner than my #80. The mix of new M205 and old (the stuff in my refilled quart bottle) is still a bit thinner than #80. So yeah, it appears I got an "off" jug of M205.

08-25-2009, 12:23 PM
Bummer. It definitely shouldn`t be thinner than #80. You shook the crap out of it, I assume? I know 105 loves to settle. I haven`t seen it with 205 but I usually go through the bottles quickly. I have some gallons of 205 that may have settled, I`ll check. :)

08-25-2009, 12:31 PM
Bummer. It definitely shouldn`t be thinner than #80. You shook the crap out of it, I assume?

Yeah, and that was my first clue that something was different; the gallon shook up *very* differently than my smaller bottle had.

The quart bottle with the mix of different M205s is kinda funny now, if I really shake it up it`s different from the gallon, otherwise it`s about the same only with some blobs of thicker stuff in it which I assume are the "old" M205.

I wanted to get some feedback on this before contacting anybody and, for the record, I`m not a ticked-off customer over this; hey, [stuff] happens.