View Full Version : solvent cleaner for carpets

08-18-2009, 08:30 PM
whats the best stuff to use to remove oil/grease based stains from intirior surfaces, specificly for pretreating before shampooing.

08-19-2009, 06:32 AM
I don`t know about pro grade products specifically for this but a couple readily available options would be:

-Your favorite citrus based APC

-Goof Off 2 (water based) followed by extraction with hot water

I successfully used this method on carpet to remove an old oil spill.

With any solvent it would be prudent to test to be sure it is color safe.

Showroom Shine
08-19-2009, 07:47 AM
You should get alot of replies on this one. There are a slew of different products on the market that work to remove stains from almost all surfaces. I started using Folex,Zep,and Woolite diluted when I first started my detailing business 7 years ago. I have tried many products,some that worked well,some with alot of hype! Some of my favorites are Folex, Meg`s APC,Dri Wash n Guard Green APC, Woolite Spray, for carpet. With these products,my Aztec Hot Rod, I have been able to remove alot of stains and spots. There is a difference. I have also used the Magic Eraser. Every situation is different. What may work in one case ,may not work in another. What worked in a Nissan may ruin a BMW. ETC! I learn something everytime I detail a vehicle. Stay on the forums ask questions,pick the minds of the Pro`s. You will be able to choose the right process with time and practice!

David Fermani
08-19-2009, 07:49 AM
Any general purpose solvent should work.

08-19-2009, 08:09 AM
folex is a great start.. if not that then wd-40 would be the next step up.

David Fermani
08-19-2009, 04:29 PM
Jake - Why WD-40? I can`t see that oily WD film lifting off fabric and later causing resoiling? Haven`t tried it, so I don`t know? Solvent cuts though oil/grease and totally evaporates where WD doesn`t.

08-19-2009, 04:50 PM
WD-40 is one of the very best stain removers out there on the market today. It penetrates, lifts and breaks down most grease based stains out there. You do have to remove it afterwards with a good rinse. But for stain fighting abilities you`d be hard pressed to find a better solution for the price.

imported_Larry A
08-19-2009, 04:53 PM
Naptha, but be careful dont smoke while useing it.

David Fermani
08-19-2009, 05:48 PM
WD-40 is one of the very best stain removers out there on the market today. It penetrates, lifts and breaks down most grease based stains out there. You do have to remove it afterwards with a good rinse. But for stain fighting abilities you`d be hard pressed to find a better solution for the price.

Alright - I`ll give it a try. ;)

08-20-2009, 06:32 PM
How about Spot Shot Carpet Cleaner from the makers of WD-40?

(No, I haven`t tried it.)

There`s a more recent (and long) post about a fellow Autopian who`s friend wanted a (partial?) refund of his money paid for a detail because his girl-friend used Spot Shot to get out an old stain in a carpet the Autopian did not remove.

Also, Chem-Spec makes a citrus-based degreaser called Liqua-Gel that is very effective for spot carpet cleaning.