View Full Version : Longest Lasting OTC Wax/Sealant

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08-12-2009, 02:35 PM
I will be the first to admit that I do a poor job of keeping up with waxing my car. Frankly I hate doing it but I realize the importance of having the protection especially now that I`m moving and my car will be sitting outside. My question to you guys is what is the longest lasting sealant (or wax) I can get at your average parts store? I don`t care about how it looks but it has to last a long time and it can`t be something fancy only found online or in the big city.

08-12-2009, 02:52 PM
Do a search. You`ll find PLENTY of threads on this very topic!

08-12-2009, 03:23 PM
collinite 845, rejex, duragloss 105. Are those OTC?

08-12-2009, 03:27 PM
Do a search. You`ll find PLENTY of threads on this very topic!

Not to be a ***** but are you talking about threads like this, (http://www.autopia.org/forum/car-detailing-product-discussion/121245-advice-sealant.html) this, (http://www.autopia.org/forum/car-detailing-product-discussion/120893-paint-sealants.html) and this? (http://www.autopia.org/forum/car-detailing-product-discussion/104957-alright-sealant-freaks-school-me.html) Those are all completely to me. Note how my requirements are for it to be had at an average auto parts store. You won`t find ANY of those products here.

08-12-2009, 03:35 PM
Do a search. You`ll find PLENTY of threads on this very topic!

I had a post adressing this with 3 or so threads I found on the subject linked but I forgot it won`t appear until a mod approves it. Basically all of the threads that talk about sealants are talking about things you can only find online or in certain regions of the US. I`m from iowa, if you can`t find it EVERYWHERE you can`t find it here.

collinite 845, rejex, duragloss 105. Are those OTC?

:spot It looks like duragloss is available at Napa. Hopefully I can get it at mine.

Frankie T
08-12-2009, 03:56 PM
Don`t be afraid of the online retailers. Most are super fast with shipping and honestly, you aren`t going to pay much more than you would at a local auto parts place for NXT 2.0.

Sure you won`t have it in your hand "TODAY" but you`ll get a superior product that will last you.

08-12-2009, 04:12 PM
Longest lasting OTC is likely Duragloss 111, or 105. I have purchased DG from both NAPA, and Carquest locally.

I guess it depends on how long you want to go between waxing. DG 105 has lasted at least 4-5 months on my SUV. It`s just hard for me to go that long without trying/using something else.

Collinite is another log lasting OTC, but I haven`t been able to find it locally. If you want to try Collinite, and can`t find it near you.. Just buy it from ebay.

08-12-2009, 04:22 PM
Don`t confuse longest lasting with most protection. Most people go by water beading, and I`ve seen some sealants that still bead but get bird bomb and water etching after a few weeks.

08-12-2009, 04:59 PM
Longest lasting OTC is likely Duragloss 111, or 105. I have purchased DG from both NAPA, and Carquest locally.

I guess it depends on how long you want to go between waxing. DG 105 has lasted at least 4-5 months on my SUV. It`s just hard for me to go that long without trying/using something else.

Collinite is another log lasting OTC, but I haven`t been able to find it locally. If you want to try Collinite, and can`t find it near you.. Just buy it from ebay.

4-5 months sounds like a decent ammount of time. Certainly better then a few weeks that I`ve heard for some products like turtle wax...

08-12-2009, 06:52 PM

sorry to give you the standard response to newbs.

Duragloss and Collinite are great performers...on par and beyond many to be had online.

As it just so happens, I`ve seen them both at Carquest.

08-12-2009, 08:29 PM

sorry to give you the standard response to newbs.

Duragloss and Collinite are great performers...on par and beyond many to be had online.

As it just so happens, I`ve seen them both at Carquest.

No worries, I know how it goes and how annoying people not searching are. :)

I had looked up collinite on their website and it didn`t mention anything about carquest so that`s useful information as I remember hearing good things in the past about that wax.

Thanks for the advice guys, it`s much appreciated. :)

08-12-2009, 09:00 PM
Collinite can also be found at harborfreight . Usually on sale too if you have one near you.

Postal Grunt
08-12-2009, 09:21 PM
3M Performance Finish is doing well on my Accord after the last three months in Kansas. The car surface should be cleaned and polished before application and it shouldn`t be applied in direct sunlight. Otherwise, it`s easy on and easy off.

08-13-2009, 08:49 AM

sorry to give you the standard response to newbs.

Duragloss and Collinite are great performers...on par and beyond many to be had online.

As it just so happens, I`ve seen them both at Carquest.

Never seen Collinite at Carquest (wish they would carry it) only DG products. Collinite is available at some of the West Marine stores...if you have one in your area. Collinite 476 is a paste with some carnauba in it and IME will last much longer than 845 Insulator Wax (liquid). The 845 is easy to use and very slick and shiny though and will last longer than most other liquids. But if you`re looking for durability, nothing will outlast 476 and 915 (more carnauba in it).

08-15-2009, 10:58 AM
IME, Collinite 845, 476/885 and Finish Kare 1000P comfortably last from October through May or longer in the Northeast, winter salt, sludge et al. As others have mentioned, Collinite is stocked by retailers, I have seen it in NAPA and Trader Horn stores in Penna. for example. Finish Kare products are currently available through the manufacturer in Calif., see the other threads.

I would suggest not letting your product decision be determined by form of distribution, retail stores vs. internet.