View Full Version : PC use for 105 & 205 - How long to polish??

08-10-2009, 11:26 AM
With diminishing abrasives, (i.e. - traditional polishes) you know more or less to work till it breaks down and sort of disappears, then stop polishing.

With the new 102 & 205, if the abraisives don`t really break down, how do you judge when to stop polishing?

08-10-2009, 10:57 PM
only way to find out is to experiment with it, but you`ll know, it`s pretty much the same as before except it`ll happen a lot sooner.

scary bill
08-11-2009, 01:33 AM
Polish til the marring is gone. Look into the KBM for more on how 105/205 works, there is tons of info on it (even though the real "paper" isn`t out yet).

In a nutshell, they are pressure sensitive so they cut harder with more pressure. After the marring is corrected ease up on the pressure to clean up the micro-marring the heavy passes made. That, at least, is my understanding.

You want to stop polishing if the pad/paint is dry. If there is still correction needed add more polish and go some more.

08-11-2009, 11:07 AM
Polish til the marring is gone....[and/or]..

You want to stop polishing if the pad/paint is dry. If there is still correction needed add more polish and go some more.

Yep, it`s *easier* to use these products in some ways.

Sometimes you`ll be surprised by how long you can work these products even after you`d *swear* they oughta be dried out. Prime the pads properly, it helps a lot.

M205, especially, can have a very long work-time.

But watch you don`t get dried polish clumping on the pads, it can make for some *serious* marring, worse than what you were trying to polish out in the first place!