View Full Version : Wheel Dilema

Lou K
08-09-2009, 11:52 AM
My daughter purchased a 2006 Range Rover sport-supercharged. The wheels on the car are the stock 20" wheels that are somewhat concave where the wheel contacts the rotor hub. The rest of the spokes are flat from that point to where they meet the wheel barrell. Poor description, I know. I`ll try to attach a picture.

Here is my dilema; the wheels dust like crazy ( worse than a BMW) and when I try to clean them the heavy disc brake dust comes right off the barrell and flat part of the spokes but on the concave part of the wheel the black brake dust streaks and the only way to get the black off is to take the buffer to them. They clean nicely with the buffer but when you go to wash them the next time the same thing happens. This week I tried to apply a sealant to see if that will work. Any other ideas?


08-09-2009, 03:47 PM
I can`t imagine that much brake dust between washings (if done regularly), however, perhaps to help you out I would get a good EZ Wheel Brush to be able to bend it behind the spokes and get in the nooks and crannies on the inner wheel. I would use a good wheel cleaner (I recommend Detail King`s Brake Up), which works wonders on heavy brake dust, tar, etc on your wheels. Provided that you keep the wheel wet while cleaning, I cant forsee the brake dust drying and streaking on the wheel. Keep wet while cleaning, and rinse both inside and outside thoroughly. You might have water spots, which can be wiped off, but if you are getting brake dust streaking, it sounds like you are not thoroughly cleaning the inside of the wheel and it is just running out after being partially cleaned, because you should should be able to rinse all that away after cleaning. Once clean and dry, then you can apply a wax or sealant or whatever you would like to use. Keep in mind, that if you do use a powerful cleaner like the Brake-up, then you will have to re-wax or re-seal the wheel each time) because this cleaner will remove the wax/sealant that you applied...but then again, it will also remove all brake dust, tar, etc. that you have on your wheels. Just keep in mind that the inner wheel should be as clean as possible (preferably as clean as the outer wheel)

Lou K
08-10-2009, 10:24 AM
I can`t imagine that much brake dust between washings (if done regularly), however, perhaps to help you out I would get a good EZ Wheel Brush to be able to bend it behind the spokes and get in the nooks and crannies on the inner wheel. I would use a good wheel cleaner (I recommend Detail King`s Brake Up), which works wonders on heavy brake dust, tar, etc on your wheels. Provided that you keep the wheel wet while cleaning, I cant forsee the brake dust drying and streaking on the wheel. Keep wet while cleaning, and rinse both inside and outside thoroughly. You might have water spots, which can be wiped off, but if you are getting brake dust streaking, it sounds like you are not thoroughly cleaning the inside of the wheel and it is just running out after being partially cleaned, because you should should be able to rinse all that away after cleaning. Once clean and dry, then you can apply a wax or sealant or whatever you would like to use. Keep in mind, that if you do use a powerful cleaner like the Brake-up, then you will have to re-wax or re-seal the wheel each time) because this cleaner will remove the wax/sealant that you applied...but then again, it will also remove all brake dust, tar, etc. that you have on your wheels. Just keep in mind that the inner wheel should be as clean as possible (preferably as clean as the outer wheel)

The longest that the car has gone between washing the wheels has been one week. The brake dust in this is perhaps the worst that I have seen. In looking at other cars similar to her`s heavy brake dust appears to be a common happening. I don`t think I have made myself very clear. The wheels particularly the fronts show this streaking immediately after washing them even when the wheels are still wet. I have never encountered anything like this on all of the cars that I have owned. Another point regarding this; last weekend I wiped the wheels with a dry micro fiber and the barrell, the flat part of the spokes came clean. The concave part after wiping off the heavy brake dust had a black stain on the surface." Anyone else who could help would be greatly appreciated.

08-10-2009, 11:20 AM
I have very heavy dusting from my brembos on my G35, a common issue with my year and the oem pads. I tend to wash the car on a weekly basis but have been applying wheel wax once a month to help with the cleaning of the dust. So far it has been helpful, but I hesitate to give all the credit to the wax and not to the weekly cleaning.


(ignore the inner barrel, I`ve been to lazy to thoroughly clean them.)

08-10-2009, 11:40 AM
So the problem is streaking, after wash?

I would try a light polish, and sealing with a wax on a regular basis.

If the streaking is still occurring then I would look into other alternatives like swapping the pads for a different compound, refinishing the wheel or talking to the dealer (maybe for such a high end automobile they would listen to your complaint).

Let us know how it turns out.

Lou K
08-10-2009, 12:07 PM
I have very heavy dusting from my brembos on my G35, a common issue with my year and the oem pads. I tend to wash the car on a weekly basis but have been applying wheel wax once a month to help with the cleaning of the dust. So far it has been helpful, but I hesitate to give all the credit to the wax and not to the weekly cleaning.


(ignore the inner barrel, I`ve been to lazy to thoroughly clean them.)

The front brakes are Brembo`s on her Range Rover as well. The wheels on her car will be cleaned regularly on at least a weekly basis.

08-10-2009, 12:38 PM
I think I would take it back to Range Rover and ask them what the heck is going on. The rotors may be warped.

08-10-2009, 01:02 PM
Its a 6000 pound truck, thats why theres lots of dust. Whats her commute like (how many miles) and driving habits? Lots of missing info for a proper answer. Try Megs wheel brightner and inner barrels (remove the wheels to clean them) and then with proper washings weekly you shouldnt have that problem.

08-10-2009, 01:31 PM
Range Rover`s pad compound is pretty aggressive. They stop well and rarely make a noise, but the trade-off is EXCESSIVE DUSTING.

Same thing happened to my G35. The brakes are phenomenal and are quiet, but dust like crazy.

Here`s what I did to fix it. Some of this may be excessive or redundant, but I detailed them at the same time.

1.) Remove wheels and clean w/ a good APC.

2.) Dry and clay, remove all residue

3.) Buffed w/ Meguiar`s Machine Glaze

4.) Buffed w/ Klasse AIO

5.) Apply 2 coats of Klasse SG (wait at least 3 hours before removing and reapplying)

6.) Apply Wheel Wax

I used to wax the wheels every 3000 miles and they were relatively easy to keep clean. However, I changed the pads to Hawk HPS and my dust is nearly gone now. Wheels are waxed every 6 months now.

Best way to fix this is to change the pads.

08-10-2009, 07:57 PM
I`d switch to the Akebono Euro pads. Not only very low dust, but the dust matches the color of the wheel.

All those spokes with heavy black dust is a bear.

08-10-2009, 08:03 PM
I agree, change the pads to ceramics.

Lou K
08-11-2009, 01:14 PM
I agree, change the pads to ceramics.

I have done a search and cannot find low dust pads for the Supercharged Range Rover Sport. This vehicle has Brembo brakes on the front wheels as standard equipment. I have been able to find pads for the rear but nothing for the front. Help!!!!