View Full Version : Power of Menzerna PO203s... on oxidized headlamps

08-07-2009, 10:19 PM
I tackled a simple wash and wax of the other half`s `03 Corolla tonight. The headlamps started getting a little rough. I brought out the Makita, a small orange CCS pad (4" or so), and some of the aforementioned product. Both lamps were in similar condition previously. Can`t really see in the "before" photo, but head on the lamps were Very hazy and cloudy.

Results, MAGIC!

They are not perfect, but for lamps that will probably re-haze in the future, a job well done. And it took me say, 20-30 seconds per lamp.




08-07-2009, 10:25 PM
no wetsanding whatsoever? looks pretty good

08-07-2009, 10:30 PM
no wetsanding whatsoever? looks pretty good

No wetsanding at all. I`ve found from my encounters, which are not many, if the surface appears oxidized only (feels smooth), then pads/wool and various compounds/polishes can do the trick.

If the surface feels rough, then I would commence with wetsanding paper and then to compounds/polishes....

08-08-2009, 12:16 AM
Good job. I believe any light polish will take out hazing, but scratches are another thing.