View Full Version : All Your Unimportant Questions

Got More Wax
08-07-2009, 07:04 PM
You know, I have to say, I observe members haere occasionally ask questions that I think should be an easy anwer for someone posting here. Then, you read some of the replies and understand and kind of put the original question in perspective. And, the great thing, I almost always walk away with maybe a new method of service I already provide or gain some new knowledge about a scenario that I may not yet have experienced. So, today, I ask about a car I`ve not only ever worked on but, never yet had the pleasure to see in person. Hmmmm. So, I guess I`ll post up and ask if anyone has had any experience. Since my Positector doesn`t read composite body cars, just wanting to get an idea of the thickness of paint or any other info I may be able to gleen from other members. And, for those of you who posted up relevant replies and for Phil who PM`s me the standard thickness and paint info on this car, Thanks!!

But, I get a smack reply from the Autopian resident expert who, as I view most of his posts, seems to normally question or criticize those who post here.

Anybody else get a tad annoyed by this??

Thanks for reading my rant!!


Got More Wax
08-08-2009, 08:43 AM
Thanks to those who have PM`d/e-mailed your replies! I feel the same way. But, he doesn`t get it. I`ve already gotten a few PM`s informing me how cool and Bada$$ he is.



08-08-2009, 10:22 AM
You know, I have to say, I observe members haere occasionally ask questions that I think should be an easy anwer for someone posting here. Then, you read some of the replies ..

That`s one reason I often chime in on those "oh man...not *this* again?!?" questions. Things change and sometimes some *really* good stuff pops up when we rehash some same-old-same-old topic for the umpteenth time.

Sorry to hear somebody`s being a pain...guess some folks are just like that (haven`t seen the thread in question).

Got More Wax
08-08-2009, 10:38 AM

Thanks for the input. Just kind of dissappointing to me that some of us come here for legitimate purpose(s) only to be targeted by those who`s only intent is to criticize and attempt to find fault. The person in question has gone so far to PM me and inform me that people not liking him is to be expected on the internet. Really???


Thanks again!!!

That`s one reason I often chime in on those "oh man...not *this* again?!?" questions. Things change and sometimes some *really* good stuff pops up when we rehash some same-old-same-old topic for the umpteenth time.

Sorry to hear somebody`s being a pain...guess some folks are just like that (haven`t seen the thread in question).

08-08-2009, 04:13 PM
While I understand your situation, I feel this thread is completely not necessary, and is quite frankly unprofessional.

As a talented detailer, I would expect you to shake off any negative useless feedback regardless of who is comes from. No need to rant / deflate / vent - you know you`re good, you know why you seek out the advice you did, etc.

I can understand getting caught up, and to answer your question of "anyone else get a tad annoyed by this??" sometimes. Sometimes until I realize all feedback - positive or negative is good. If you can`t justify what you do / how you do it to another detailer, how can you justify it to a high-end client? I think most people here are in the same boat - willing to learn and always doing our best.

last but not least, don`t forget GoudyL`s quote: "If you are experienced enough to be able to argue with my points, then my advice probably doesn`t apply to you."

Got More Wax
08-08-2009, 06:54 PM
I don`t mind advice. In fact, that`s exactly what my post was soliciting. It`s the attitude I didn`t ask for.

So, this thread is what it is; my rant. If I was asking how unimportant my question was, I would have expected it. And, since you feel appropriate to quote GoudyL, allow me to quote good old Mom..."If you haven`t anything nice to say..." well, you get the pint.

While I understand your situation, I feel this thread is completely not necessary, and is quite frankly unprofessional.

As a talented detailer, I would expect you to shake off any negative useless feedback regardless of who is comes from. No need to rant / deflate / vent - you know you`re good, you know why you seek out the advice you did, etc.

I can understand getting caught up, and to answer your question of "anyone else get a tad annoyed by this??" sometimes. Sometimes until I realize all feedback - positive or negative is good. If you can`t justify what you do / how you do it to another detailer, how can you justify it to a high-end client? I think most people here are in the same boat - willing to learn and always doing our best.

last but not least, don`t forget GoudyL`s quote: "If you are experienced enough to be able to argue with my points, then my advice probably doesn`t apply to you."

Setec Astronomy
08-08-2009, 10:24 PM
...allow me to quote good old Mom..."If you haven`t anything nice to say..." well, you get the point.

Boy, if that isn`t the pot calling the kettle black. If you stuck to that adage you never would have started this thread.

a.k.a. Patrick
08-08-2009, 11:17 PM
hehehehe...........Kind of why I only pop in now and then.......

08-09-2009, 08:26 PM
Sometime the answers in the "Pro" section can come across as a bit grumpy.

However, I think most of the time, the answers can be found quickly with a quick search.

I also realize that new info does pop up when we rehash an old topic. I also feel, however, that just because you are a "pro" doesnt mean you have to post every question or comment in the "Pro" section.

Got More Wax
08-09-2009, 08:59 PM
Yeah, I got ya!!! Next time, when I have question about a $2m car, I`ll ask someone more inclined to be performing backyard work for their freinds. I think that is what you were suggesting, right???

I think Autopia has pretty much served its purpose for me. It`s apparent that this actually is not the place for someone to ask legitimate questions without getting nonsnse from the peanut gallery.

Good Luck to you all!!

I`m out!!

Sometime the answers in the "Pro" section can come across as a bit grumpy.

However, I think most of the time, the answers can be found quickly with a quick search.

I also realize that new info does pop up when we rehash an old topic. I also feel, however, that just because you are a "pro" doesnt mean you have to post every question or comment in the "Pro" section.

Setec Astronomy
08-09-2009, 09:03 PM
Yeah, I got ya!!! Next time, when I have question about a $2m car, I`ll ask someone more inclined to be performing backyard work for their freinds. I think that is what you were suggesting, right???

I think Autopia has pretty much served its purpose for me. It`s apparent that this actually is not the place for someone to ask legitimate questions without getting nonsnse from the peanut gallery.

You know, this is what I love, you start a thread about getting disrespected, and all you do is show disrespect. What goes around, comes around.

08-09-2009, 09:53 PM
Sometime the answers in the "Pro" section can come across as a bit grumpy.

However, I think most of the time, the answers can be found quickly with a quick search.

I know I get grumpy when this forum is cluttered with which polish, which wax, etc questions that don`t belong here but in the car detailing or detailing product discussion forums.

Setec Astronomy
08-09-2009, 10:09 PM
I know I get grumpy when this forum is cluttered with which polish, which wax, etc questions that don`t belong here but in the car detailing or detailing product discussion forums.

Scott, I think a lot of that comes from newbs who think "what do I do when I have a question about something? I should ask a professional!". So they think they are doing the right thing, though, through ignorance, they are posting in an inappropriate (for Autopia) forum. The fact that, as has been discussed in other threads, the moderator staff here has been attrited over the years doesn`t help in pointing these newbs in the right direction.

As has been demonstrated above and in other threads, the OP seems unable to appropriately respond to challenge or constructive criticism, which is kind of a prerequisite for being able to interact on internet forums and for growth in general.

08-10-2009, 11:04 AM
I suppose the Mods have enough on their plates already, but IMO it`d be good to simply -MOVE- "which wax?" posts out of the Pro forum to a more appropriate one.

But then I often post on the Pro forum, and I`m not a professional....so maybe I`m the last guy who oughta comment on this one :o

Jeff. AutoKraft
08-17-2009, 03:48 AM
Im pretty sure we should all settle down an focus on what we do best....................seriously if it wasnt for people showing interest in this profession in one way or another, being it asking questians we now deem to be stupid because we have already asked & practiced the advice givin to perfection many years ago or even asking these questians in the "wrong section" altogether,there would be no future in this industry!! just a plain copout & shows disrespect for our customers & our profession! p.s when a customer comes to your shop & asks what do i do with these swirls or tar etc etc would you say to them "well i guess your up sh*t creek with that mate". NO! enough said