View Full Version : 2006 Mustang my first detail attempt

08-02-2009, 09:02 PM
Well I finally used my new PC XP on my 3 year old Mustang. I have a few scratches on the hood but couldn`t get them all out they are from using the stupid jelly blade for drying don`t do that anymore. This clear is harder then I thought it would be. I don`t have any before shots.

First time detailing so be kind.

What I used:

wash CG CW&G

CG grey clay bar

wash again

blow dry with 150mph leaf blower and MF

M105 with 4" LCC yellow 2 passes on setting 5 with KBM priming

M205 with 5" LCC white 1 pass on setting 5 with KBM priming

IPA wipe

DWG 1 coat by hand

FK1000P 2 coats by hand

I will try to get a pic of the scratch it is hard to see.

08-02-2009, 10:12 PM
Looks very good, esp for first attempt. What are your impressions of the new PC?

08-03-2009, 07:15 AM

The PC seems to be easy to handle but I have nothing to compare it to other then my 20year old WEN 9" orbital polisher. I wonder if they make wool pads for it or a different foam pad that is more aggresive then the LCC 4" yellow pads it needs a lot of pressure to get deeper scratches out of hard clear.

08-03-2009, 08:58 PM
I wonder if they make wool pads for it or a different foam pad that is more aggresive then the LCC 4" yellow pads it needs a lot of pressure to get deeper scratches out of hard clear.

Be careful with the 4" yellow, you CAN burn paint with it.

What you have should be enough to get the type of scratch you`re describing out (unless it`s down to the primer and beyond).

Revisit your technique, chances are the problem`s there.