View Full Version : Need Help asap

07-25-2009, 07:27 PM
I am a newb and just got my makita I was looking for pads to get but was curious about what pads to get (recommendations needed) and I was wondering what the difference is between the meguiars soft buff and meguiars mirror glaze pads are thanks

07-25-2009, 07:53 PM
Your new and don`t know anything about pads but want to jump straight to rotary?

I hope you have a good "testbed"?

07-25-2009, 07:57 PM
Your new and don`t know anything about pads but want to jump straight to rotary?

I hope you have a good "testbed"?

why not?? That`s 99% of all professional detailers started... You don`t start with a D/A and move up to a rotary usually. You put the right tool in your hand and learn how to use it from the get go. By lunchtime on the very first day ever as a detailer I was using the rotary. It wasn`t until almost 10 years later I even bothered trying out a D/A machine. And I honestly think that`s the very best way to learn. People get entierly way to nervous about this stuff. Leanring to use a rotary effeciently is extreamly easy to do.within 15 minutes I had my 13 y/o polishing his mom`s car to an acceptable level. And if he can do it trust me anyone with 2 hands and half a brain of common sense can do it.

07-25-2009, 08:12 PM
why not?? That`s 99% of all professional detailers started... You don`t start with a D/A and move up to a rotary usually. You put the right tool in your hand and learn how to use it from the get go. By lunchtime on the very first day ever as a detailer I was using the rotary. It wasn`t until almost 10 years later I even bothered trying out a D/A machine. And I honestly think that`s the very best way to learn. People get entierly way to nervous about this stuff. Leanring to use a rotary effeciently is extreamly easy to do.within 15 minutes I had my 13 y/o polishing his mom`s car to an acceptable level. And if he can do it trust me anyone with 2 hands and half a brain of common sense can do it.

Fair enough. I actually agree with everything you said.

That`s how I learned too...and I started on rotary too. I bought my Flex months after.

I also had a POS car to learn on which is my entire point. I hope this guy has something he can mess up and practice reparing instead of detailing his buddy`s M3.

A 13 year old can learn a rotary in 15 minutes. You`re right it isn`t hard. A "veteran" detailer can have an oops with a rotary and completely jack up a panel. Doesn`t happen that often with a D/A.

My statement still stands. I hope you got a good practice enviorment.

Back to lurking I go before I firmly plant foot in mouth.

Jeff. AutoKraft
07-25-2009, 08:18 PM
why not?? That`s 99% of all professional detailers started... You don`t start with a D/A and move up to a rotary usually. You put the right tool in your hand and learn how to use it from the get go. By lunchtime on the very first day ever as a detailer I was using the rotary. It wasn`t until almost 10 years later I even bothered trying out a D/A machine. And I honestly think that`s the very best way to learn. People get entierly way to nervous about this stuff. Leanring to use a rotary effeciently is extreamly easy to do.within 15 minutes I had my 13 y/o polishing his mom`s car to an acceptable level. And if he can do it trust me anyone with 2 hands and half a brain of common sense can do it.

Exactly right indeed! I personly have completed around 3/400 vehicles with a rotary alone right from the start & have had no issues whatsoever. The only thing i can suggest in terms of use when just starting out is STOP & CHECK OFTEN. over time you will get a feel for what pad/polish/compound to paint combinations work best & with how much pressure to use to get the best results. As for the Megs pads im not too sure, but i do use the Mirror Glaze M7000 (red cutting pad) every so often & i find its not too bad on harder paint`s which produces great results. Anyways good luck to ya mate.

07-25-2009, 09:13 PM
I like all the meguiars pads. Lake country pads are another very popular choice.

One recommendation i can give would be to not use anything larger than 6.5-7" to start. A good foam plate helps.

07-25-2009, 09:22 PM
thanks to every one that helped me out and answered my answer instead of criticizing and yes i do have a car to practice on any more help would be appreciated thanks and I am going to get the 3m backing plate