View Full Version : Glass Chalk Ghost Removal

11-17-2005, 11:26 PM
Well being glass chalked really sucks. I came out from work the other night and I had all my windows chalked(similar to what dealers use to write on their car windows). It had been raining so some of it wasn`t fully dried on to the window. I immediately went home (about 3 blocks away) and used some window cleaner I had that has alcohol in it and I used Stoners IG. The IG really got the most of it off but some I had to take a razor blade to. Anyway there is still a ghost of the writing on the window and I was wondering if anyone had any ideas on how to remove it. It has been super cold here the past few days so who knows when the next time i`ll be able to do a full cleaning on it, but any insight to the ghosting problem would be great.

BTW - I did ask the mall where my store is located if they had a security camera on the back lot where I was parked. They didn`t. It really pissed me off coming out to that. But i`ll find out and get sweet, sweet revenge on the bas***ds who did it.


11-17-2005, 11:50 PM
So, someone wrote on your windows with chalk? That`s weird. I`ve never heard of that one.

Anyway, you`ve already tried glass cleaner. I would try first using an old clay bar on the window and if that doesn`t work maybe an abrasive polish applied by hand. One other option might be a 50-50 solution of water and vinegar.

11-18-2005, 12:08 AM
Try a chemical paint cleaner like VM or AIO to remove what IG didn`t get. As long as it`s just some residual chalk and not etching, the paint cleaner should do the job.

11-18-2005, 06:43 AM
0000steel wool, or try polishing with a buffer; time will make a difference

11-18-2005, 10:38 AM
Its not actual chalk, its like what the dealer`s use to write on windows, we just call it glass chalk around here. Its for like "fan vans" like people going to high school sporting events and write on their windows ya know..good luck and stuff...its that...it looks like a bingo inker thing but instead of ink it puts on this stuff.

11-18-2005, 10:44 AM
You want a chemical to take that off...50/50 white wine vinegar and water is a good start...I would also use 0000 steel wool this will not hurt the glass.....That should clean anything that is on the surface and take anything that is embed in.

Scott P
11-18-2005, 12:49 PM
I would go with a polish or so. That will not only remove the residue, but it will make your windows shine too.