View Full Version : Pre wax cleaner or 3m swirl mark remover?

07-24-2009, 08:51 PM
My wife`s 2 year old Jeep Wrangler has a tough daily driven life with summer heat, and winter snow and salt.

After blue dawn wash, then clay bar, I typically use pre-wax cleaner with a 7424 and 4 inch white or blue pad. However this time the finish still felt a bit rougher than I like even after the clay bar. Should I go with the (Mothers) pre wax cleaner, or use the 3m? I was told the 3m is a bit more agressive.

I use Rejex polymer sealant typically over the pre wax cleaner. I usually do this spring and fall (I`m late this year).

07-25-2009, 11:25 AM
pnut- I`ve never used that prewax cleaner, but most such stuff is very mild. The 3M SMRs that I`ve used were also very mild, and did a lot more filling than anything else.

I bet you need something more aggressive. I`d look into the OTC offerings from Meguiar`s, like Scratch-X v2.0 or something like that. Yeah, it`ll work fine via PC.

07-25-2009, 12:59 PM
Do you need to re-clay certain areas if it is still rough? Or try the pre-wax cleaner and see if it smoothes out the paint.

07-25-2009, 01:12 PM
Was the clay bar still picking up contaminants when you moved to the polishing?

07-25-2009, 05:02 PM
Clay was all done picking stuff up. I went ahead with the prewax cleaner and it got most of it. This fall or next spring I will get serious and get a rotary, and I`m sure that will take care of all what is still left.

Thanks for the suggestions.

07-25-2009, 05:18 PM
The Prewax cleaner is pretty mild. I use meguairs that comes with the clay kit but only on door jams and under the door handle. You probably need something more aggressive, Advanced Auto is starting to carry alot of meguairs compound and polishes.