View Full Version : Zaino vs jetseal109

Chris Shades
07-16-2009, 02:44 PM
Im trying to decide a better product for my business and I have never used either of these products. I have usually refered to over the counter brand product and im looking to into a more pro grade brand for pro grade results. I am curius if zaino requires the zfx kit to work properly, however? On the other hand I hear all the hype about jetseal but its about $40 for 16oz and almost $300 for a gallon of product. What are your opinions.

07-16-2009, 02:56 PM
I havent used Zaino, but i have used JS...its a good sealant, but in my opinion not worth the coin when there are as good/better sealants out there for less money. Duragloss 105 would be my recommendation to you, especially if you are high volume...looks great, flake pop, and durable too.

David Fermani
07-16-2009, 03:00 PM
I`ve personally have nothing but piss poor results from Jet Seal. I`d never buy or use it again...

07-16-2009, 03:08 PM
I`ve used both. Zaino is consistent performer. JS109, not so much.

PSU 98
07-16-2009, 03:53 PM
I`ve used Zaino products for several years. I stopped buying ZFX myself. As a "flash cure accelerator" it`s supposed to allow you to apply mutliple coats in one session, which I never do anyway. Have not noticed any difference in appearance or durability without it. IMHO it isn`t a necessary part of the Zaino system.

However, if cost is a factor, Zaino isn`t exactly cheap either. For the high-end, low quantity detailer it`s a great choice, but if you`re high volume then you might want to consider other optiuons.

Chris Shades
07-16-2009, 04:01 PM
Thanks for the quick replys everyone, and PSU thank you for clarifying the whole zfx deal. What is a good quality sealant for the money in your guys opinion?

07-16-2009, 04:40 PM
Ultima Paint Guard Plus

Wolfgang Deep Gloss Paint Sealant

Four Star Ultimate Paint Protection

07-16-2009, 04:46 PM
Zaino is good stuff, but I can`t tell any difference with or without ZFX. I stopped using it. Actually, I stopped using Zaino altogether in favor of Werkstat acrylic products. I found them to be more economical, easier to use, and (very important to me) more resistant to acidic water spotting. Both Zaino and Werkstat have excellent durability and look great.

07-16-2009, 04:51 PM
Maybe I got lucky with the Jetseal I received? It looks pretty good, and repels dust. Not sure about durability, but too me durability isn`t a factor anyway.

Zaino, and Wolfgang are good products as well. The only knock against Zaino, (imo) is it`s fussy in high humidity. I haven`t noticed this with jetseal, or Wolfgang.

07-16-2009, 06:30 PM
Tried Zaino - kinda finicky especially in humid weather, and be sure to use ZAIO before Z2-5 or you may have bonding issues (I did), Jetseal goes on easy, comes off easy - just needs a coat of 50-50 or Petes53 to really look great IMHO. I use Blackfire sealant - better than either Zaino or JS, my opinion only, and you can buy Blackfire at good prices if you get the larger sizes. It`s the only sealant I use now, both on customer cars and my own.

Chris Shades
07-16-2009, 11:28 PM
Thanks for all the input from everyone. I end up ordering some zaino today, ive never used it before and ide like to give it a test run on my car and if all goes well i`ll end up using it on my customer cars.

07-17-2009, 08:07 AM
I used Zaino for the first time yesterday and im pretty happy with the results. I did apply it on a humid day directly in the sun and it was a bit difficult to remove. I really cant see what ZFX does and think paying 30 dollars CND for it is way too much. If ZAIO is a good substitute like many of you say, I would go with that, and if you do choose to go with Zaino, do get the Z8 spray, I was really impressed with it.

07-17-2009, 08:30 AM
As with any line there are great performing products and not so great, I have not used FK products so no input there, but I have used Jet Seal for years on many cars and have not had durability issues like others have experienced and do not top the sealant with wax either(sweating issues) as the correction before the LSP makes more of a difference than layering any LSP IMHO.

Jet Seal as others have stated comes off really easy and I have not experienced any bonding issues either, as I am California with relative low humidity most products will work really well unless the ambient temps go way up(100 degree plus days) and I tell my customers anyone claiming to give protection on their finish past four months is silly, as who protects their car only bi-annually the cheapanowski`s and lazy people. .02$

PSU 98
07-17-2009, 09:50 AM
Zaino All-In-One is an excellent product with good corrective abilities and durability. I would say it`s "pad dependent", meaning that if you`re applying by hand you`re missing out on half it`s purpose (minor defect removal).

I can see a difference between use of Z8 and Z6 spray, but for the additional cost ($10 more per bottle for Z8) I don`t use Z8 very often at all anymore.

07-17-2009, 09:45 PM
There have been pics posted where spray waxes beaded better than Jet Seal.