View Full Version : Headlights: How to fix/restore?

07-15-2009, 08:27 PM
Hi, I have a one year old Honda. I drive quite a lot so I`ve accumulated a large amount of tiny scratches on my headlights from the numerous rocks from driving on the country side. My question is what tools and methods can I use to fully restore it to a 100% slick clear surface? Is it even possible?

I was hoping to get it back to the condition to how I received the car, or just to remove all the scratches to get a clear smooth surface so that I can use clear overlay, like Lamin-X, to protect it from tiny dimples in the future.


07-15-2009, 10:06 PM

07-16-2009, 01:46 AM
Hey thanks for the link. Oddly enough it stopped working after a while.. But I still have a few small questions left because I`m still new.. What is a PC?

I also don`t have hazing just dimple scratches, would PlastX and sandpaper be fine??

Sorry for the newbish questions, I`m very new to this forum and everyone uses abbreviations for everything so I`m having a hard time.

Thanks again.

07-16-2009, 06:12 AM
PC = Porter Cable, a DA buffer.

Acronyms (http://www.autopia.org/forum/car-detailing/99979-acronym-decoder-complete-11-26-07-a.html)

07-16-2009, 07:34 AM
PC = Porter Cable 7424XP Polisher (http://www.autogeek.net/po.html)

I only use sandpaper in the worst case scenario. Otherwise, a plastic polish and drill or PC can restore the headlights. If you do use a fine grit sandpaper, we still recommend to machine polish the lenses afterward to restore the clarity.

Headlight Lens Restoration Guide (http://www.autogeek.net/lenshowto.html)

07-16-2009, 08:06 AM
even 2000 grit sandpaper will leave noticable scratches. I used 1500 grit on mine (they had some pits I wanted to remove), then followed with a 4" LC light cut pad, then a 4" LC polish pad using Optimum Polish. I used the drill adapter for the pads. Worked great.

PlastX is good too, but if done by hand, it`s only use is getting rid of most of the yellowing. I don`t think it`s aggressive enough to use by hand to get rid of the sanding marks and all the yellowing. It will be a noticable improvement though. If you are expecting perfection with it (by hand), it will leave you wanting.

07-16-2009, 10:04 AM
i take it you JUST want to make your headlights like new, and dont want to do anything with your paint at the moment? if you just want to do your headlights you by no means need a PC (portercable random orbital polisher) it would save time, but if you are only doing your headlights, save your money and do it by hand. your going to want to try just a plastic polish like meguiars plast-X, if that doesnt work, try some 3000 grit sandpaper, and wet sand them.. might get away with 2000 grit if you use light pressure to finnish up.. hopefully your scratches arent too deep, and this will take cars of it.. also 3M sells a headlight restoration kit, that has an attachment for your drill, along with a bunch of little discs of sandpaper that attach to it via velcro, including a foam one to use the supplied 3m headlight polish (or any other plastic polish) with.. i wouldnt start with the coarsest grit though if your scratches are light, just try the highest, then sand paper then polish.. if that doesnt work step down to the next more agressive sand paper, and just follow the instructions... one more thins, i use an automotive paint safe tape to do the painted edges around my headlights so i dont damage them if i mess up. its saved me a couple times.

07-17-2009, 02:45 AM
Hey everyone I really appreciate all the informative responses.

I`ve decided to jump straight into wetsanding as they are scratch dimples off loose gravel on road. I`m thinking to go with maybe 2,000 grit then 3,000 to finish it off since the surface feels a little rough. Like if you ran your hand on it, you could definitely pick up the tiny marks which are also evident through the naked eye.

I will try to get pictures. But here is what I concluded to try, First the wetsanding, then compound, then a polish. Does that sound right? Also I`ve never sanded headlights before so should I use pressure or light pressure or is there another way?

Thanks for all your helps guys. Oh and yes for the time being I`m just seeking headlight to be brand new quality first before I think about the paint.

07-17-2009, 11:55 AM
Just sand like normal, not too hard but don`t baby it either. Other thing, sand in straight lines not circles. Try the first pass left to right, then a second pass going up and down. If you`re finishing with 3000 then PlastX will remove most of the scratches, but not all. You can try a compound like M105 or ultimate compound first to take care of the scratches. Then move on to PlastX to restore full clarity. I usually top it with a coat of sealant once it`s all said and done.

07-17-2009, 03:56 PM
Cool thanks. I will try it this weekend when I can get the supplies.