View Full Version : What steps/products do you recommend for hand application(it`s been a while)?

07-12-2009, 09:47 AM
I havn`t been around the forum for a good while and have been out of the loop on car detailing. I have a 2007 Tundra that I want to start from scratch on. I applied Zaino about 6 mos ago and have been washing with Zaino car wash since. I know I need to polish out some minor imperfections because it has never been polished before. It is a silver color so the marring doesn`t show but the paint does not pop like it should. What steps/products would you recommed? Thanks for the help and it`s good to be back on the forum.

07-12-2009, 12:58 PM
step 1 - research buffers

step 2 - buy a noob friendly one like a cyclo

I used to polish by hand for 5 or 6 years. Biggest waste of time. ever.

07-13-2009, 09:04 AM
Working by hand should be easier these days, thanks to the recent product developments at Meguiars. I haven`t used their Ultimate Compound or Scratch-X v2.0, but if they`re anything like the M105/M205 twins (which, BTW, work fine by hand), then they should be a simply OTC approach.

Working by hand is long, hard work, and IMO a polisher is well worth the money, but hey...you do what you have to. Still, getting a vehicle good enough for a sealant (even a *silver* vehicle, of which I currently have four) by hand would be a bear of a job!

07-13-2009, 09:18 AM
i like scratch removers for polishing by hand. most cut fast, and breakdown to an lsp ready finish pretty quickly. i use a PC now. but i used to really like meguiars scratch x for polishing by hand..go figure after i get a pc and stop polishing by hand (accept for hard to reach areas) they come out with swirl X, but oh well..for light oxidation (way also contribute to your paint not "popping" like it should)you can get rid of it pretty easily with meguiars color x.