View Full Version : Can I mix rmg with wax in the same applicator pad for a single coat?

07-11-2009, 11:30 AM
The car already has a 1 week old layer of natty blue already but I really want it to shine for tomorrow. The problem is that I don`t have enough time to do a full wash, glaze, and wax. Can I mix rmg and natty blue in the same applicator pad? Or should I use my pc with 50/50 rmg and adam`s butter wax? Or is this a bad idea altogether?

07-11-2009, 12:10 PM

No. I would do 2 seperate steps.

If you really want it to shine with little work, use either PB Black Hole or Danse wet glaze. Both will shine for you fo whatever you want, but will offer no protection, and will wash off with your next wash.