View Full Version : Zaino users: z8 and zcs comments...

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07-10-2009, 03:53 PM
First, i`ve been using zaino products for 7 years now. some are great, some are good and some are.....

for me z8 seems to be one of those so-so products while z-cs is a bust.

personally, i cannot see the difference in looks between z6 and z8. in other words, if i were to do the whole car with z6 and examine it the next day under the sun it pretty much looks the same to me if i had done z8 the day before (or z6 followed by z8 the day before).

for zcs, some say you put too much, some say you put too little, some say ..., but the reality is zcs is a streaker. every time i have put zcs i have had to follow up later with z6 to clean it up. it also seems to me, that it reduces the shine a bit. one bottle certainly does last though, i have 2 cars and have the same bottle i bought when it first was released (not even halfway through that bottle in fact).

ok thats me. what are your views?

07-10-2009, 04:29 PM
I don`t think Z-CS adds much to the finish but it does seem pretty good at repelling bird bombs like Opti-Seal and Ultima UPGP do. Not sure what it is in the WOWO sealants that seem to do so well resisting paint damage. OS to me is the most goof-proof WOWO sealant. However, if you are having streaking issues, odds are you are using too much product. The carrier should flash off in seconds and clear out. If not, you are using too much.

I do like Z8, definitely more than Z6. I think long term slickness (after a couple weeks) is better and I like the scent of Z8 a lot more than the cough syrup scent of Z6.

07-10-2009, 04:50 PM
I have also had a hard time getting used to ZCS. I usually let it cure for at least a day and then, like you, go back and clean off the streaks. I will say it does seem to offer alot of protection and slickness. Most recently I cleaned it up with 50/50 z6/distilled water and then followed it up with Z8. I was blown away by the effect. I also just recently started using z8 and wish I had started sooner.

07-10-2009, 05:36 PM
Z8 is very nice. It`s so easy to use.. in fact, there`s almost no need to flip the towel and go over it.. it basically clears-out itself. I do go over it, but it`s nearly a WOWA product (on light to medium colors, at least). It also smells great, looks great, etc. Expensive, but very good.

CS is just ok, IMO. As previously stated, it doesn`t do much for the look. It also doesn`t bead very well, though it does sheet well. No big deal, but most of us do like nicely beading LSP`s. Actually, with all the easy-to-use spray sealants available today (Z8, AW, UQW, etc.), I don`t even use my CS.

07-10-2009, 08:33 PM
I love both of them. Z8 offers great shine, depth, and slickness. Plus, the smell is wonderful!

CS offers a lot of protection and durability in my experience. I like the look of it, too. Although since I got a black car, I waited a day and topped with Souveran to give it a bit more depth and wetness. On my blue RX-8, I only used CS and it would last a good six months.

CS is a little tricky to apply. You REALLY have to apply it thin. You are supposed to do that with all the Zaino stuff, of course, but the others are getting buffed off, so they are a little more forgiving. If you use CS in really humid weather or if you apply it even a little to thick, you do have to go back later with Z6 to get rid of the streaks. I have gotten pretty good at it now, so I can just walk away and forget it. But I can understand the frustration.

PSU 98
07-10-2009, 08:40 PM
I can tell a difference between the look of Z8 and Z6, but for the difference in price, I prefer to use Z6 almost exclusively. Have never yet tried Z-CS.

07-10-2009, 09:40 PM
I like CS from a convenience standpoint. I`ve had decent durability as a stand alone but Z2pro is more durable. If you are using Z2pro it isn`t really neccessary and Z8 would be the better choice.

08-02-2009, 04:04 PM
I have just used ZCS yesterday. Ive only used it a few times. I have this physcological block that it just wont do a good job like a cream sealant. I dont have any issues with streaking on my lighter color cars. Today My H2 looks damn good. I washed, z-6, zcs. I`m revisiting the ZCS. I like the convience. Perhaps I`ll use the ZCS in-between Z5 applications which I apply every few months.

08-02-2009, 04:36 PM
I really like Z8. I mix it 2/3`s Z8 and 1/3 distilled water and find it very user friendly at this concentration.

ZCS is a good product. For the small amount of work it takes the results are pretty good. I have always topped it next day with Z8, therefore I cant really say what it looks like next day on it`s own. I do think Opti-seal is every bit as good if not better. If using Z2 or Z5 is Zcs neccesary? Absolutely not, but its nice to be able to touch up a dying out sealant of wax when little time is available.

08-02-2009, 05:07 PM
I honestly was very disappointed on the look I got from ZCS. I found Z8 to be so much better. I do like ZCS for wheels. On paint it did nothing for me.

Cleaning Fool
08-02-2009, 05:15 PM
Yeah, I didn`t care for ZCS either

08-02-2009, 05:41 PM
I don`t think you can compare Z6 to Z8 as they are two different products. Z6=QD Z8=spray sealant.

08-02-2009, 06:20 PM
Just wanted to update my opinion on Zaino CS.... I`ve switched now from ZCS to UPGP in hopes of reducing water spotting on my black car. It seems ZCS just was not up to the task in that area and when it would rain followed by sun (like when I`m at work and have to park in the open), I`d get hard to remove spots - some of which would not come out after a wash. So, while I still like the product and have had good luck with it in the past, I believe I`m moving on from Zaino CS.

Still love Z8, though!

08-02-2009, 06:52 PM
Only thing Z8 did for me was collect dust. I wasn`t blown away by the looks. Like someone else said, Z6 looks the same.

08-02-2009, 06:56 PM
I just got my 1st bottle of Z8 on Friday. So far I can`t tell much of a change. I picked up that and a new 2nd bottle of Z6.

I smoked through the 1st Z6 in no time.

This time around I`ll use the Z8 more and see what happens.