View Full Version : Please critique my setup

Mr. Vapor
07-09-2009, 02:56 PM
Here`s my set up / order. I`m new so what im looking for is any GLARING issue with the order or layer of products i`m using. I`m not looking for opinions on brand X vs. brand Y.

Step One. Wash

Step two. Clay

Step three. Rinse

Step four. Menzerna IP w/ Orange pad

Step five. 106FF W/ White pad

Step six. PO65RD W/ Blue

Step seven. Dodo purple haze soft wax

Does this order look ok? i think its realistic.

When do i do my IPA wipe down?

Where does glaze fit in?

07-09-2009, 08:00 PM
Looks like a good start.

IPA wipe downs are done to ensure there is no masking or filling going on after the polish steps. You may also want to do a quick wipe down after your first/test section to be sure all is well. When you`re completely done, you`ll want to do at least one (preferably 2+ in an ideal world where time is unlimited) to be sure your surface is ready for your LSP (the Purple Haze, in your case).

Glaze is sometimes used to mask/hide/fill swirls. I don`t see much of a point to using glaze if you`re doing a full polish. If you do decide to use it, it would come before your LSP and after IPA wipe downs.

07-09-2009, 08:33 PM
Step six. PO65RD W/ Blue

I`m assuming this is a typo - s/b PO85RD with a blue pad??

Jopa489 is right on target with the IPA and glaze. I wipe down with IPA after each pass of each polish. Don`t forget to tape off plastic trim, moldings, etc.. (3M Scotch-Blue Painter`s Tape for Delicate Surfaces works well).

If you decide to lay down a glaze before your sealant and/or wax make sure it can be topped (DWG meets that criteria).

Mr. Vapor
07-10-2009, 06:05 AM
(yes sorry, i did mean the PO85RD)

Thanks guys, that was the info i was looking for.