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07-01-2009, 01:22 AM
Hey Guys,

In my never ending quest to find my favorite LSP, my buddy and I decided to do some comparison between all the LSP`s I had available. I had a spare 350Z Silverstone bumper which I was planning on using to practice wetsanding and painting, but I figured this would be perfect for some LSP comparison. We prepped the bumper with Megs 105/205 applied with a flex and did an IPA wipedown before applying any products. Here is a list of products applied:

-P21S 100%


-Dodo Juice Supernatural

-Poorboys Natty`s Blue

-Poorboys EX-P

-Pinnacle Souveran

-Pinnacle Liquid Souveran

-Wolfgang Sealant 3.0

-Collinite 845

-Klasse AIO

-Klasse SG

-Optimum Optiseal

-Megs NXT2.0

-Megs #26

-Menzerna APO 60

-Pinnacle XMT 360

-Ultima PGP


We split the bumper into 18 different sections, 17 for product and 1 for the control.


We then applied the products in various spots while noting them on a diagram I made. After applying the products, we did some comparison. I was very surprised with how some of these products looked when put side by side with various other products. I asked my roommate who is a complete n00b when it comes to car care for his opinions as well as an experienced auto care enthusiast. Here were the results, keep in mind both reviewers did not know where each product was applied. Both observers were also able to easily identify the control.


Best looking panel - Klasse AIO

Second best - P21S 100%

Worst looking panel - Menzerna APO 60

Slickest feeling panel - Wolfgang DGPS 3.0

Least slick - Poorboy`s NB


Best looking panel - Klasse AIO

Worst looking panel - Megs NXT 2.0

Slickest feeling panel - Wolfgang DGPS 3.0

Least Slick - Optimum Optiseal

Since we didnt finish applying everything to the bumper till late in the evening, I`ll try to snap some pics of the bumper out in the sun tommorow. I`ll also ask the observers for their opinions once the sun comes out. We`re also planning on testing durability and water beading, so the bumper will be left inside for the sealants to cure then will be placed out in the elements. Let me know if there is anything in particular you guys want to see. :bigups

07-02-2009, 12:14 AM
How about a Mercedes-like test? :)

Automotive Engineer PLUS - Materials (http://www.ae-plus.com/Key%20topics/kt-materials8.htm)

"Mercedes engineers also assessed the chemical resistance of the innovative clear lacquer using standardised procedures. As part of the testing programme, samples of four different substances – sulphuric acid, pancreatin (simulating bird droppings), tree resin and fully desalinated water – were dripped onto the paint surface in rows and left to work their way in over a period of half an hour and in temperatures of 30° to 75°C. The engineers then assessed from what temperature the paint surfaces began to show signs of lasting damage, with target values pre-calculated for each substance. In this test, the newly developed nano-particle clearcoat fulfilled the same stringent Mercedes quality criteria as conventional paint systems."

07-02-2009, 02:30 PM
Interesting. This is interesting because my car is the same color.

07-02-2009, 02:42 PM
I`ll be checking back often. Definitely a good idea. Nice job, let us know what are the outcomes.

07-02-2009, 03:07 PM
Nice job !

07-02-2009, 03:18 PM
I would like to thank AudiFanatic for this thread and his time spent. I too would like to find my favorite LSP. Keep up posted! :woot2:

07-02-2009, 03:39 PM
I think having updates on a daily or weekly basis (if semi-long term) with your test criteria would be very beneficial to many here.;)

imported_Detailing Technology
07-02-2009, 05:09 PM
How about posting a shot of the bumper with the name of each LSP next to it?

Barry Theal
07-02-2009, 05:17 PM
i like these threads there was one before that some guy did this with a truck. ill be checking back.

imported_Detailing Technology
07-02-2009, 05:18 PM
its on detailing world. I think he did 53 LSP`s

07-02-2009, 05:23 PM
I find it interesting that KAIO was one of them (not to mention the winner) when it seems like most people top it with something else. Equally as interesting is that Supernatural wasn`t in the top 2.

If you get more opinions, could you possibly post some sort of graph of votes? I like graphs... they remind me of pie.

07-02-2009, 05:39 PM
I think this is a great idea, and certainly appreciate the results of the experiment.

Though, being as cynical as I am, I feel the need to rain on the parade just a little.

First, I think the seven panels along the top of the bumper (bottom of the picture) have an unfair advantage since they are the largest, flattest, and most uniformly shaped panels.

Second, while there are some consitencies in the choices made (slickest, best looking) there is already enough variety in the answers to prove that there can never be a definitive answer to this best LSP question. If you got 47 out of 50 people to pick the same one as "best looking" then you might be on to something.

Finally, there are other variables that affect my choice of LSP that AREN`T included in your study. First of all, some of the LSP`s you used specify that they are best suited for dark colors. So I don`t think that NB and Souveran are really getting a fair shot in this contest. Another missing factor is the ease of application and removal. This is particularly important for the pros whose time = money.

And while I`m anxious to see the results of your durability and beading tests, I will still have my reservations about them. Testing durability in July in Orlando, is COMPLETELY different than testing it in January in New Hampshire.

Finally, testing wax on a removed bumper is probably going to yield entirely different results than testing it on the hood of a daily driver that sees tree sap, bird poop, and road debris flying into it at 60mph on a daily basis.

Other than that though, it`s a pretty good test. (That`s not sarcastic. Truly this is good stuff to know)

07-02-2009, 06:17 PM
i like these threads there was one before that some guy did this with a truck. ill be checking back.

I think there`s another one on sealants somewhere. Great thread.

Biggest Wax Test Ever - Detailing World (http://www.detailingworld.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?t=76435)

07-03-2009, 10:30 PM
Thanks for all the comments guys:bigups

I think this is a great idea, and certainly appreciate the results of the experiment.

Though, being as cynical as I am, I feel the need to rain on the parade just a little.

First, I think the seven panels along the top of the bumper (bottom of the picture) have an unfair advantage since they are the largest, flattest, and most uniformly shaped panels.

Second, while there are some consitencies in the choices made (slickest, best looking) there is already enough variety in the answers to prove that there can never be a definitive answer to this best LSP question. If you got 47 out of 50 people to pick the same one as "best looking" then you might be on to something.

Finally, there are other variables that affect my choice of LSP that AREN`T included in your study. First of all, some of the LSP`s you used specify that they are best suited for dark colors. So I don`t think that NB and Souveran are really getting a fair shot in this contest. Another missing factor is the ease of application and removal. This is particularly important for the pros whose time = money.

And while I`m anxious to see the results of your durability and beading tests, I will still have my reservations about them. Testing durability in July in Orlando, is COMPLETELY different than testing it in January in New Hampshire.

Finally, testing wax on a removed bumper is probably going to yield entirely different results than testing it on the hood of a daily driver that sees tree sap, bird poop, and road debris flying into it at 60mph on a daily basis.

Other than that though, it`s a pretty good test. (That`s not sarcastic. Truly this is good stuff to know)

As far as this test goes, I didnt intend for it to be a scientific test, I just wanted to compare the different LSP`s I had available to me. I do agree that the curved panels do somewhat skew the test but the bumper was the only painted panel I had available, I obviously would have prefered to use a hood or the side of an RV:lol but I didnt have that available to me.

We took some video of the bumper tonight while spraying it down with water, I`ll try to get that video up within the next couple of hours. The weather has been so bad out, I havnt had the oppertunity to take a sunlight pic, but I will get that asap. :bigups The bumper is now outside on my back deck where it is exposed to the sun and rain. I will check it every week or so to see if there is any deterioration in the water beading performance. :spot

07-03-2009, 10:56 PM
Here is the list and placement of each LSP.

1. Ultima PGP

2. Poorboys Natty`s Blue

3. P21S 100%

4. S100

5. Dodo Juice Supernatural

6. Wolfgang Sealant 3.0

7. Optimum Optiseal

8. Pinnacle Souveran

9. Collinite 845

10. Megs NXT2.0

11. Klasse SG

12. Pinnacle XMT 360

13. Megs #26

14. Menzerna APO 60

15. Klasse AIO

16. Poorboys EX-P

17. Pinnacle Liquid Souveran

18. Control


I`m the buddy that helped, in case you`re wondering. :) I`m also the "experienced" opinion, as well as the one that removed the LSPs from the bumper.

Since this was done a couple nights ago, I can`t really remember which were harder/easier to remove. Granted, with the size of the panels, they might have all seemed easy to remove, when they could be a PITA on larger panels.

I do wish we could have done this on a bigger test panel. Maybe one of these days, we`ll get a huge hood and do a proper test :lol