View Full Version : polishing pillars

06-27-2009, 10:32 PM
hey guys, last question about this car. its a 2006 e90 330xi painted in alpine white.

problem: the pillar have a weather stripping down the center


along as with the rail that you would attatch the roof racks to, it has weather stripping on both sides.


Any thoughts on what the best way to polish the paint between the weather stripping or rubber is?

06-28-2009, 10:27 AM
Any thoughts on what the best way to polish the paint between the weather stripping or rubber is?

You could mask it off, first masking the outer edges so you can do the thin middle section, and then remasking, covering that thin middle section so you can do the larger panels. With the weatherstripping covered with tape you just wouldn`t have to worry about it.

OR use a minimal amount of polish so it doesn`t build up in there and just don`t worry about it. If you have a steamer you could clean it up OK as long as you don`t get a whole lot of product there. Or use a pressure washer or do a super-strong wash.

I`d probably mask it...I like masking things off; I like that "not worrying about them" approach. Use good tape though, cheap stuff will leave a residue that can drive you nuts.

06-28-2009, 12:17 PM
thanks accumilator, ill take them off with 3m blue