View Full Version : Menzerna SIP (PO83) vs Intense Polish (PO91E)

06-25-2009, 11:46 PM
Are these the same except for the one fact that PO83 is made for ceramics and PO91E is not? I have been using SIP PO83 but my customer ratio is 1 ceramic : 4 non-ceramic. Should I go ahead and purchase a gallon of PO91E and save the PO83 for the ceramics? Any other differences that I`m missing?

06-26-2009, 12:14 AM
As mush as I love Menzerna polishes, I absolutely HATE SIP!! Between PG, M105, and IP, I can get what I want with various pads.

06-26-2009, 04:14 AM
I`m kinda in the same boat as spoiledman, I have the full menzerna line up, and while I love there polishes, SIP can be a VERY VERY tempermental product. On one car, if can do fine and then on the next car on the same day it will sputter, spit and cake up like no bodys business. its very weird.

oddly enough though I like my sip enough that I keep using it.

But to answer your question, I think you should get IP its pretty much the same cut IME as SIP, but without all the headaches that come with SIP.

Get a gallon of IP and a 32oz of SIP...

06-26-2009, 04:57 PM
I`ve been wanting to know about this comparision a long time before I start buying them.

From reading the thread, IP is easier to use. So does it dust less than SIP? Also, Power Gloss vs IP. Which one is better? And usually when you use PG or IP, can you follow it with PO85RD instead of p0106FA?

06-26-2009, 05:23 PM
Menz. Power Finish, P203S is where it`s at. It cuts Very heavy, like SIP, finishes like 106, and has the work time of PO85RD. It is also easy to use, no fuss. It is my go to polish for one-steps and pretty much everything.