View Full Version : what drying MFs do you guys use with ONR?

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06-24-2009, 07:51 PM
I need some more drying towels.. I have 2 of the medium cobra guzzlers and they aren`t enough to do my whole truck with.

Looking for some not so expensive drying options.

06-24-2009, 07:53 PM
Well I use the ones from Detailed Image, the big blue waffle weaves. They arent the cheapest ones though.

06-24-2009, 08:04 PM
Chemicals guys miracle dryers.

Last time I checked they were on sale with free shipping

Greg Nichols
06-24-2009, 08:08 PM
The ONLY towel I use for ONR is the super plush Eurow towels.



06-24-2009, 09:23 PM
^ +1

I`m with Greg. Those are also the ONLY towels I`d even consider using for ONR. Shag-style (unlooped mf ends) towels are nice and thick, and I believe they`d do A LOT better job trapping any dirt particles than standard looped or waffle weave. They`re also decently affordable when you figure they`re around $2-3 bucks per towel. If you order some order at least 20 or more - they`re worth it.

I recently got a shag-syle towel from Danase to try out. Despite the mf strands not being as long as on the Eurow - the towel feels twice as soft.

06-24-2009, 10:42 PM
Is this the right site (http://www.euroworeilly.com/catalog/index.php?cPath=26_6) for the Eurow towels?

06-25-2009, 04:12 AM

06-25-2009, 08:27 AM
I would recommend the Blue Perl edgeless from Autopia-Carcare if you are seeking a waffle weave. I asked this question before and people recommended me that towel. Very happy with it.

06-25-2009, 09:57 AM
I had been using cheap vrooms until I started noticing more spider webbing. Time for a MF order!

citizen arcane
06-25-2009, 12:34 PM
Blue perl WW immediately followed by a plush polishing mf that I got somewhere.

So the drying process is two handed for me.

06-25-2009, 12:35 PM
i use the sonus waffle weave followed with the viking microfiber to touch up any residual moisture. Working well so far

king nothing
06-25-2009, 07:38 PM
I use cobra shamrock 750s then a turtle wax ice waffle weave

06-25-2009, 08:00 PM
i use the eurow.

06-28-2009, 05:22 PM
And by the way. I find that if you surface is smooth and dont have too much contaminants on it, many towels work. However, I find a contaminated surface (doesnt have to be too much) is hard to dry even with a good towel.

06-28-2009, 05:36 PM
We use towel pros large waffle weave, on towel does the car(with absorbency to spare) and they have great durability in our production environments