View Full Version : Polish Gumming vs. Polish Break Down

06-20-2009, 03:23 PM
I was detailing my 2004 Sheer Silver Altima and I have a question.

I sprayed the car down with 4:1 APC and then did a two-step correction with 105 and 205. When I was using the 105 with a PC at speed 6, the polish seemed to be breaking down and it started to look like small flakes of snow. Is this gumming or is the polish just breaking down really fast. I was doing this outside and it was probably 80 degrees outside. Idk if that is a factor.

06-20-2009, 03:35 PM
If you work M105 too long (and it is not long), it will dust as soon as it has done its work. You need to stop as it seems to dry.