View Full Version : Anyway to REMOVE Armor All from Interior?

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06-19-2009, 07:26 PM
The idiots at my dealership thought it would look nice or something after I told them NOT to touch my interior.

Needless to say I am very mad and want to remove it from the dash, leather, etc..

Any products that can safely remove it?

thanks guys

06-19-2009, 07:42 PM
Maybe just a quick APC wipedown. Sprayed on the towel, and wiped throughly. then follow with a damp towl, then a dry towel, then apply your favorite dressing.

06-19-2009, 08:58 PM
I`ve had this problem before, this is a bit of a ***** to be honest. To remove armor all, especially if they put a lot you`re going to need a strong enough APC. I used chlorox wipes and even that took a lot of elbow grease. I also used fantastik. For the leather, you`re going to have to do the same but be sure you rinse all this stuff off with a damp/wet towel then dry it. I wouldn`t recommend putting on a dressing until you`re absolutely sure all of it is gone. When I did it, I thought I removed it all but the next day I noticed there was still some spots with it on.

One more thing is, before using an APC on your leather, just spot test for colorfastness. I doubt it would be a problem but just in case to be a little extra safe...

Hope this helps!

imported_Ol' Red
06-19-2009, 10:13 PM
Purple Power. With ease. Why do you hate Armor All so much? The shine?

06-19-2009, 11:08 PM
I would use a light APC in a bucket. Use a MF that you can frequently rinse it in. No need to get the big guns out. Just take the time.

06-19-2009, 11:13 PM
eek i have to go with the above advice. Is it just the dash or the seats and such as well?

always start light to heavy. a diluted woolite mix or diluted degreaser/APC is where i`d start, and try stronger products . You may want to remove product / shine, but not at the expense of ruining your finish. If you have some trouble, give me a call after work sometime this upcoming week and i`ll try to take care of it for you as a courtesy ;)

06-19-2009, 11:14 PM
Purple Power. With ease. Why do you hate Armor All so much? The shine?

careful with that.. i have seen purple power damage plastic parts..

I have heard great things about woolite and warm water with a MF, otherwise try an all purpose cleaner diluted, warm water and a MF.

06-20-2009, 06:36 AM
Yes I HATE 3 things about armor all, it is the shine. slipperyness and the way it is a magnet to dust.

I am sliding off the seats and the steering wheel is slippery, even got some on the pedals. Even when I bought the car it was NOT armor all`d since it de-values a vehicle.

Maybe I will just go out there and try to wipe off a lot the excess with a new MF towel.

PS I just went outside and of coarse the rain seem to wash away most of the filler again, or whatever they used, man they SUCK.

So all the scratches they put in my car at their car wash are still there. it looks like the swirl marks are a little better, but overall I will need some work done on the paint.

06-20-2009, 01:22 PM
Woolite/water diluted 8:1 works great for removing any dressings, etc. from interior plastics. 1Z Einzett just came out with a deep cleaner for plastics, too, if you`d prefer to go that route.

06-20-2009, 02:06 PM
303 cleaner, woolite 10:1, 1Z cockpit premium, lexol pH cleaner all will do the job. Pick what`s best for the surface at hand.

06-20-2009, 02:32 PM
I like simple green 50:1, a small 1 gal bucket, and keep wringing the rag out...NOT into the bucket...

be liberal with the washing, then wipe dry...

it will take a couple of sessions to remove all of it...

06-20-2009, 04:07 PM
^^ thanks for the tips everyone. good looking out

06-21-2009, 10:52 AM
MrDummy- I trust you also expressed your displeasure to somebody of consequence at the dealership..

06-21-2009, 12:36 PM
Chances are the dealership doesn`t use AA, most buy in bulk. The dealerships around here use solvents based dressings, so it is a lot harder to remove.

06-21-2009, 04:18 PM
Chances are the dealership doesn`t use AA, most buy in bulk. The dealerships around here use solvents based dressings, so it is a lot harder to remove.

Good point, either way, it`s some nasty *** dressing that feels gross :)