View Full Version : Neighbors and Our Addiction

06-19-2009, 04:47 PM
I`ve lived in the same neighborhood since I turned 10 and all the people who live near me are used to my perpetual detailing and washing. Well they pushed our street through in 2002 and since then, it`s turned into a freeway. Not many people seem to notice my finicky behavior with my car but I seem to have attracted the attention of what could only be described as a jerk.

This guy drives a black Audi A3 that he washes probably once a year (I saw it at the grocery store once...the interior isn`t a picnic either). It was detailed in the summer of 2008 and was not cleaned again until March of this year. Since I was out of town from March until the end of May, my car fell into a state of chronic dirtiness. Shortly after I arrived home (the same day), the jerk in the black A3 drove by and saw my car in an absolutely filthy state. He drove by an hour later having run the Audi through a car wash and gave me this look that screamed Look...my car is cleaner than yours as if he felt that he was suddenly better than me.

Well it`s been a month and my car has already been properly detailed and brought back to snuff and his has not been washed since. I`m not sure what drives people to behave like this but now that mine is clean he doesn`t seem to care anymore. I guess he just got off in that brief moment of perceived superiority and then didn`t care to take it further than that.

It`s not that I care what this guy thinks...it`s just I think his behavior seems really childish.

06-19-2009, 05:37 PM
Some might argue that the obsession with maintaining a spotless car is equally childish behavior. In the grand scheme, it`s a fruitless pursuit that only lasts as long as the car doesn`t move anywhere, no birds crap on it, it doesn`t rain, etc.

I guess I just don`t see the guy in the Audi as being that big a deal. There was a time when I barely washed my own cars. Just not enough time in the week to really worry about it. Truth be told, my car hasn`t been "detailed in 2009. I wash it every few weeks, and did a polish and sealant back in March.

It`s kinda dirty right now from me having to go out dirt roads to the fields twice a week, and you know what? It doesn`t bother me much.

Childish behavior really can be in the eye of the beholder sometimes...

06-19-2009, 05:41 PM
people are jealous in the fact that you have a nice clean car that you like to take care of and in a way, it makes them look lazy. it`s your car and YOU pay for it, not them and who cares what others think when it comes to that sort of thing...

06-19-2009, 06:35 PM
Did you consider that you might be imagining something that`s not really there? The guy in the Audi likely couldn`t care less.

06-19-2009, 09:38 PM
My neighbors think I`m out of my mind, not only that they think that they are better off using drive through car washes and washing their cars with one bucket, an old dish towel and Palmolive. I laugh at their clear-coat failure.

imported_Ol' Red
06-19-2009, 10:09 PM
I agree with RTexasF. I think you are imagining this. I doubt he is competing with you as to who has the cleaner car. Even if he did notice that his car was cleaner than yours I highly doubt he said "Hahaha! My grand scheme is complete! Finally I have a cleaner car than my neighbor! Victory is mine! Ahahahaha!"

That just doesn`t happen. And thats what you are making it seem like. Who gives a ****. :chill:

06-19-2009, 11:02 PM
my neighbors could care less about how clean my car is.. most of the time they stop by to check out whatever car i might have sitting in my driveway..

06-20-2009, 12:36 AM
I agree with RTexasF. I think you are imagining this. I doubt he is competing with you as to who has the cleaner car. Even if he did notice that his car was cleaner than yours I highly doubt he said "Hahaha! My grand scheme is complete! Finally I have a cleaner car than my neighbor! Victory is mine! Ahahahaha!"

That just doesn`t happen. And thats what you are making it seem like. Who gives a ****. :chill:

I don`t really care what he thinks nor am I interested in any sort of competition. I suppose it is all in my head...:nervous:

06-20-2009, 12:43 AM
I think you have been sniffing too many detailing products

06-20-2009, 01:54 AM
this thread reminded me of this one...


06-20-2009, 10:34 AM
Oh boy. This and the other thread really hits home. Ha ha

I always imagine that the neighbors and everyone driving by must think I am nuts, because it does always seem like that if it`s not raining I am detailing. It was worse when I was doing two cars, one of which I was selling. I am sure some of it is my head and some of it is real. I usually enjoy the unsolicited comments about my car`s finish. At work everyone says I have the shiniest car in the lot.

The other night was not in my head though. I washed the car and did a QD and as I was walking back to the house I turned around and looked at the car and couldn`t help but go grab the camera. The light was perfect that night and the car glowed. As I left the house the wife asked where I was going.

Me: The park to take pictures

Her: Of what ?

Me: um...(in a low voice) the car.

Her: mumble mumble .... need Dr. Phil ... mumble mumble

I walked away thinking I probably do have a problem. Whatever. It`s better than sitting on my *** watching TV and it is good exercise.

However, I guess I won`t be getting a Flex for Father`s Day. Damn!

06-20-2009, 12:13 PM
Friends come from the strangest places... I hate to defend the guy, but his behavior is exactly what *I* would do to try and "break the ice" with a guy I`d like to be friends with.

If you get a chance, wave him down and chat for a few minutes. You might find that his actions were not meant to be offensive. Besides, you`ll be able to get a much better look at his Audi`s black paint.

06-20-2009, 12:18 PM
in the words of Hollywood Henderson, "...just because I`m paranoid doesn`t mean someone isn`t watching me!"